Research Area / Fields

  1. Experimental quantum many-body physics with ultracold gases
  2. Quantum phase transitions
  3. Quantum speed limits and coherent control
  4. Quantum technologies with neutral atoms in optical tweezers

Short Bio

Dr. Yoav Sagi is an experimental physicist specializing in ultracold quantum gases. He earned two Bachelor of Science degrees in Physics and Mathematics, Magna Cum Laude, from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. These degrees were completed as part of the Talpiot excellence program. Additionally, Dr. Sagi holds a Master of Science in Physics, Magna Cum Laude, from the Technion. His Ph.D. research, advised by Prof. Nir Davidson, focused on the coherence properties of dense Bose gases and was completed in 2011 at the Weizmann Institute of Science. His thesis was honored with the John F. Kennedy prize. Dr. Sagi was awarded the Fulbright (declined) and Rothschild Post-Doctoral Fellowships, leading him to work with Prof. Deborah Jin at JILA, Boulder, CO, on degenerate Fermi gases. In August 2014, he joined the Physics faculty at the Technion, where he currently serves as an Associate Professor.

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Shikma Litmanovitz
Director of Business Development, Physical Science