Dr. Bekensetin Completed all his academic studies in Physics and Chemistry (BA, MA, PhD) in The Hebrew university in Jerusalem, 2005 to 2015. In 2015 he moved to the University of California Berkeley and worked as a Rothschild fellow with Professor A. Paul Alivisatos. (Chemistry department and an appointment at the Lawrence Berkeley national lab funded by DOE).
Dr. Bekensetin focused on a new group of materials called Lead halide perovskite studying properties of their nanocrystals, relevant for energy applications. In 2018, he started his independent career as an assistant professor in the Department of Material Science and Engineering and Solid-state institute at Technion, Israel’s institute of technology. Prominent awards Dr. Bekensetin received include the Rothschild postdoc Fellowship, the California Alliance fellowship and Alon young investigators prize.
Dr. Bekensetin research is funded by ISF (individual-2020) and ERC (stg-2020) and also funding from industry for specific projects.