Prof. David Broday received his D.Sc. in Mechanical Engineering (1996) from the Technion. He did a postdoctoral research at the City College of the City University of NY, studying biophysics. He then did a second postdoctoral research in environmental sciences and exposure and risk assessment at the Environmental and Occupational Health Sciences Institute (EOHSI), Rutgers, NJ (1998-2001). In 2001 he joined the Environmental, Water and Agricultural Engineering Dept., Faculty of Civil & Environmental Engineering, Technion. Prof. Broday`s research interests include atmospheric and aerosol physics, air pollution, exposure modeling and assessment, applications of GIS for environmental health, dosimetry of inhalable pollutants, and enviroinformatics. His research group studies methods for improved acute/chronic exposure estimation in urban regions; developing alternative concepts (remote/distributed) for measuring airborne pollutants at the breathing height; analyzing air pollution attributes (source attribution, spatiotemporal scales, impact of abatement measures); and linking across-platform observations and geo-referenced databases for better air quality inference.
Faculty:Civil and Environmental Engineering