Michael S. Silverstein, who holds the Sherman – Gilbert Chair in Energy, is a Professor at the Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Technion – Israel Institute of Technology. He is the Chairman of the Technion’s Interdepartmental Program in Polymer Engineering and an Honorary Fellow of the Israel Polymers and Plastics Society. He is presently investigating a plethora of novel emulsion-templated polymers and strategies to imbue them with hierarchical porosities and surface functionalities. He has developed an array of extraordinary materials including porous superabsorbents and adsorbents, droplet-encapsulating monoliths for the storage and release of liquids and of thermal energy, porous shape memory polymers, biodegradable tissue engineering scaffolds from renewable resources, and porous nanocomposites, hybrids, ceramics, and carbons. Silverstein co-edited the book “Porous Polymers” and co-organized more than 10 “Porous Polymers” Symposia. He is an Editor of Polymer and is on the Editorial Advisory Boards of Macromolecules, Polymer International, and Polymer Science and Engineering. He has published over 160 papers in international reviewed journals, has over 250 conference contributions, has mentored over 55 graduate students, and has 8 patents. Silverstein received an Honours BASc in Engineering Science from the University of Toronto and a DSc from the Technion. He was a Postdoctoral Research Associate at Case Western Reserve University, and a visiting Professor at Ecole Polytechnique, Montreal, the US National Institute of Standards, and Université Bordeaux.
Faculty:Materials Science and Engineering