Research Area / Fields

  1. Cancer progression and predictive prognosis of cancer metastasis formation, through mechanobiology, structure and mechanics of living cells.
  2. Wound healing and prevention using innovative mechanobiology approaches.
  3. Cell mechanics, adhesion, spreading, and force application on bio-surfaces as a function of external conditions, such as drug and chemotherapeutic treatments and applied mechanical deformations.
  4. Machine learning, image processing, and finite element simulations to automate data acquisition and provided predictions, e.g. in cancer prognosis.

Short Bio

Associate Prof. Weihs is an Associate Professor at the Faculty of Biomedical Engineering, Technion-Israel
Institute of Technology, Haifa Israel. She received her B.Sc. (Cum Laude), M.Sc. (Cum Laude),
and Ph.D. (2004) in Chemical Engineering from the Technion-IIT. She then continued as a postdoctoral researcher at the Department of Pathology and Lab Medicine, School of Medicine at the University of California at Los Angeles (UCLA).

Associate Prof. Weihs’ research interests are in mechanobiology of cancer and wounds, focusing on approaches of cell mechanobiology and tissue mechanics to predict cancer metastasis and to prevent wounds and accelerate healing. She has published over 55 peer reviewed articles in the top Biomedical Engineering and Biophysical journals, has presented over 175 seminars and conference talks (including invited and keynote talks). Associate Prof. Weihs is Past President of the Israel Society of Medical and Biological Engineering, and serves on the editorial board of the journal PLOS One (PLOS publishing) and Medical Engineering and Physics (Elsevier publishing). Her research is funded by highly competitive governmental scientific funding agencies such as the Israel Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST), the Israel Ministry of Health (MOH), and the Israel Ministry of Economics. Among her honors and awards are the Henri Gutwirth Research Grant Award and listing as one of the 50 Most Influential Women in Israel, Globes (2015).

Available Technologies for commercialization

arrow Business Development Contacts
Motti Koren
Director of Business Development, Life Sciences