Developing construction products and processes from recycled waste materials

Dr. Guy Austern | Architecture and Town Planning
Prof. Shany Barath | Architecture and Town Planning


Automation, Mobility and Aerospace | Chemistry and Materials | Sustainability and Energy

The Technology

The construction industry is one of the most polluting industries, mostly due to concrete and plastic usage. To reduce construction related pollution and waste, one of the possible solutions is to increase the use of Recycled Wood & Polymer Materials (RWPM). These materials are environmentally friendly, have an extended life cycle with improved properties and behavior, and support local waste suppliers. Unfortunately, there are not enough recycled materials and processes compatible with the construction market.
Thus, there is a crucial need for developing fabrication processes that support the use of recycled waste materials in construction and architecture.
Our labs have developed 3D printing and pressurized casting techniques that can be used with RWPM and that are dedicated to the construction industry. Our materials contain over 50% Wood/Polymer recycled content and are free of toxic additives commonly used in the industry. We utilize a multidisciplinary approach enables us to design and fabricate building elements such as blocks, structural elements, molds, as well as entire printed wall sections which will be used to replace traditional ones.


  • Groundbreaking performance
  • Broad spectrum of new materials
  • Experienced team acquaintance of the building industry

Applications and Opportunities

  • Patent pending technology
  • Selling RWPM based material or construction products
  • Developing production processes for manufacturers
arrow Business Development Contacts
Oz Mahlebani
Business Development Manager, Engineering