The Technology
During the last years various engraving devices have been developed. These systems are easy to transport for use at events and trade shows, facilitating on the fly manufacturing of engraved objects according to received images.
The technology is based on an algorithm to combine two 3D models or two gray level images into one 3D model that looks like the two inputs from two orthogonal views. The result is a 3D status that could be realized using modern technology, such as layered manufacturing, and mass-customized to any given 3D pair of objects, such as the customer’s 3D facial scan or 2D gray level image.
- Building 3D wire/tube statues that portray two different objects from two different views
- Innovative solutions for custom-made 3D objects
Applications and Opportunities
- Possible manufacturing of the statues are by either layer-manufacturing and/or laser etching technology in glass.