Lightweight polymer foam

Prof. Emeritus Yachin Cohen | Chemical Engineering


Automation, Mobility and Aerospace | Chemistry and Materials

The Technology

Lightweight avionic parts such as wings and even aircraft body as well as high specific strength parts for seacrafts, automotive, wind turbine and other parts with demanding mechanical requirements are usually made of a laminate of skin (which may be made of polymer impregnated into high strength fabric, metal sheet etc.) and a core made from honeycomb structure and / or light weight foam. For most of the above applications there is a need to increase electromagnetic wave absorbance for stealth. Using CNT, graphene or other conductive material or nano particles as coating for the microsphere shows electromagnetic shielding (at 8.2 – 12.4 GHz) of 4 – 60 dB with less than 10% electromagnetic wave reflection. In addition, the coating can increase heat conductance.


  • Increased mechanical properties: flatwise strength, compression strength, shear strength, impact resistance
  • EMI Shielding
  • Thermal conductivity

Applications and Opportunities

  • Airspace

  • Navy

  • High speed ground transportation

  • Wind and gas turbine propellers

  • Blast resistance

  • Engineering structures

arrow Business Development Contacts
Shikma Litmanovitz
Director of Business Development, Physical Science