Thin film composite membranes

Dr. Tamar Segal-Peretz | Chemical Engineering


Chemistry and Materials | Food and Agriculture | Pharmaceuticals and Biotechnology | Sustainability and Energy

The Technology

Thin film composite (TFC) membranes are utilized in various industries, including water treatment, agriculture, manufacturing, power generation, waste treatment, military, and semiconductors. For decades, the industry standard for fabricating the active layer of these membranes has been interfacial polymerization (IP), where a thin polymer film forms on a support layer at the interface of two immiscible liquids. However, this method often results in defects, fouling, and issues with controlling the thickness and uniformity of the solid layer.

A novel technique for creating a nanometric-scale thin layer on the membrane has demonstrated high salt rejection and reduced susceptibility to fouling. This new approach allows for precise control over the layer’s thickness and chemical composition, enabling tailored designs for specific applications.


  • Nanometric thickness
  • Ultra-smooth
  • Reduced fouling
  • Specific design per application

Applications and Opportunities

  • Reverse osmosis
  • Water treatment
  • Batteries
  • Resources recovery
arrow Business Development Contacts
Shikma Litmanovitz
Director of Business Development, Physical Science