Research Area / Fields

  1. Deciphering the regulatory code and constructing novel biological scaffolds using synthetic biology and machine learning-based approaches.
  2. Live dynamical imaging of single RNA molecules in single cells.

Short Bio

Roee Amit is an Associate Professor in the Department of Biotechnology and Food Engineering and also a member of the Russell Berrie Nanotechnology Institute. From 2015-2018 he was the coordinator of the MRG-grammar consortium whose goal was to find regulatory rules by designing and studying large-scale synthetic enhancer libraries. Roee Amit’s research focuses on using synthetic oligo libraries to study a variety of regulatory problems, as well as for the development of molecular tools for single molecule in single cell studies.

Prior to joining the Technion in 2011, Roee Amit was a post-doctoral scholar under the supervision of Scott Fraser, Frances Arnold, and Rob Phillips. Roee Amit received his B.Sc. from Cornell University in Applied and Engineering Physics, and his Ph.D from the Weizmann Institute of Science in 2005 in single molecule biophysics.