Associate Professor Yoav Shechtman leads the Nano-Bio-Optics lab at the Technion, Israel Institute of Technology. Yoav Finished all degrees at the Technion: BSc in Physics and Electrical Engineering (2007), Phd (2013), and then spent three years as a postdoc at Stanford University (2016), developing super-resolution microscopy methods with W.E. Moerner. His research interests lie mainly in developing and applying optical and signal processing methods for nanoscale imaging challenges. Specifically, Yoav focuses on aspects of single/multiple particle localization and tracking under challenging conditions, e.g. three-dimensional, multicolor, and high throughput imaging, using advanced optical, signal processing and machine learning techniques. The techniques developed in the lab are applied to challenges ranging from basic science, i.e. observing chromatin dynamics in 3D, to biomedical applications, i.e. developing ultra-sensitive assays for biomolecular detection.
Selected recent awards and recognitions: 2017 Zuckerman Faculty Scholar, 2018 Early Career Award of the International Association for Medical and Biological Engineering (IAMBE), 2018 European Research Council starting grant, 2020 International Union for Pure and Applied Biophysics (IUPAB) Young Investigator Prize and Medal, 2020 Morton and Beverley Rechler Prize for Excellence in Research, 2021 Krill Prize for Excellence in Scientific Research.
Faculty:Biomedical Engineering