Conversion of Cellulose Biomass into Electrical Power Using Cellulase Enzyme

Dr. Omer Yehezkeli | Biotechnology and Food Engineering

The Technology

Conversion of biomass to electric power is an attractive strategy for the generation of green and efficient energy. As Cellulose is one of the most abound polymers on earth, ~70% of the plant biomass is cellulose, which makes him an ideal candidate as a biomass source.
Cellulose biomass is converted into glucose under environmentally friendly conditions by purified cellulase complexes or whole-cell bacteria. We have developed electrochemical cells for utilization of the obtained glucose for power generation using a photo-electrochemical cell (PEC). PEC is a device that utilizes a light source onto a semiconductor to produce electrical energy
The technology proposes the integration of photo(bio)electrochemical methodologies, and enzymatic or bacteria hydrolysis for light-induced energy generation and solid waste treatment. The technology is a methodology to suppress the photoinduced water oxidation reaction without affecting the photoanode ability to photo-oxidize the small organic molecules. Two major advantages can be attributed to the designed systems. (i) By suppressing the oxygen generation we eliminate competing reactions (water oxidation). (ii) we eliminate oxygen generation which allows integration with anaerobic bacteria.



  • Use of cellulose to produce energy
  • Reduce biomass waste


  • Energy production using biomass waste
arrow Business Development Contacts
Motti Koren
Director of Business Development, Life Sciences