In vitro model of heart failure with preserved ejection fraction (HFpEF)



Medical Devices | Pharmaceuticals and Biotechnology

The Technology

Heart failure with preserved ejection fraction (HFpEF) is a non-infectious pandemic affecting more than 1% of the general population and more than 10% of individuals over the age of 65. Currently, there are no effective treatments for HFpEF, mainly due to the lack of in-vitro model of the disease. The generation of a model that recapitulates the disease phenotype will facilitate target identification and drug discovery for the diseases. Our patented invention presents a groundbreaking method for generating mature heart tissues and establishing a model for HFpEF. Key Features of the technology include: – Diverse Stem Cell Source: We utilize hiPSCs from both healthy individuals and those with HFpEF predispositions, broadening its utility. – Authentic Multicellular Tissues: Our process forms diverse heart cell types, creating a realistic multicellular environment. – Unique Maturation Method: We use a distinctive step-wise approach with specific ingredients for maturation while preserving other cell types. – HFpEF Model Development: We create HFpEF models by mimicking key contributors like hypertrophy, inflammation, steatosis, and diabetes. – Comprehensive Analysis: Our system automates thorough assessments, including passive force, length-force relationship, relaxation, calcium handling, biomarker secretion, and molecular/structural properties.


  • Revolutionary HFpEF Model: Unlike existing animal-based models, our in-vitro model is the first of its kind for HFpEF, offering new opportunities for research and treatment development.
  • Exclusive Use of Human Cells: Our model relies solely on human cells, eliminating the need for primary or animal cells, making it more ethically sound and clinically relevant.
  • Efficient and Reproducible: It is highly efficient to produce and boasts exceptional reproducibility. It can quickly generate tissues that faithfully replicate the full spectrum of disease phenotypes and underlying mechanisms.
  • Versatile in Organoid Platforms: This model can adapt to various organoid platforms, ranging from single cells to large populations, allowing for flexibility in experimentation.

Applications and Opportunities

  • Cardiac Research: Our method provides researchers with a versatile and authentic platform for studying heart development, maturation, and diseases, particularly HFpEF.
  • Drug Development: Pharmaceutical companies can use our HFpEF model to test potential treatments, significantly accelerating drug discovery and development for heart conditions.
  • Personalized Medicine: The ability to derive hiPSCs from individuals with genetic predispositions offers potential insights into personalized treatment strategies for heart diseases.
arrow Business Development Contacts
Dr. Ruth Gross
Director of Business Development, Life Sciences