TERA Hz radiation transmitter

Prof. Emeritus Gadi Eisenstein | Electrical and Computer Engineering


Physics and Electro-Optics

The Technology

The terahertz region of the electromagnetic spectrum, in particular the region of 1-10 THz, is called the “terahertz gap” due to the lack of convenient radiation sources which are either inefficient or require cooling and are not tunable in frequency. The method relies on a proven ability to impose coherence of the electronic states in a practical semiconductor with timescales corresponding to the THz radiation. A short optical pulse is directed to a semiconductor optical amplifier at room temperature and induces coherent oscillations at the desired THz frequency range. The semiconductor optical amplifier or a diode laser are biased electrically to gain conditions. The frequency is controllable by the pulse intensity.


  • Operates completely at room-temperature
  • Simple to construct and robust
  • The emitted radiation frequency is tunable
  • Entire source can have a very small footprint

Applications and Opportunities

  • Medical imaging without damaging tissues
  • Security
  • Spectroscopy: THz radiation can provide novel information in chemistry and biochemistry.
  • High altitude communication
arrow Business Development Contacts
Dr. Arkadiy Morgenshtein
Director of Business Development, ICT