Prof. Yoav D. Livney from the Biotechnology and Food Engineering Department at the Technion, Israel Institute of Technology, is a well-known expert in physical chemistry of biopolymers in food and in nano-delivery systems for nutraceuticals and drugs.
Academic background: B.Sc. (Suma cum Laude, 1990) Food Engineering & Biotechnology, Technion Israel Institute of Technology; M.S. (1995) Food Engineering, UW Madison, Wisconsin, USA; PhD (2002) Food Engineering & Biotechnology Technion IIT; Post-Doc Food Science, University of Guelph, Canada.
Academic positions: 2004- Lecturer; 2007- Asst. Professor, 2012- Assoc. Prof.; 2015-6 Visiting Professor at Riddet Institute, Massey University, Palmerston North, New Zealand, 2020- Full Professor. Livney has received many Honors & Awards including the President of Israel’s honor roll; Certificate of Excellence in Academic Studies granted by Israel’s Parliament- the Knesset; a Special Excellence Award from the Gutwirth Foundation; and the Goldberg Research Prize; and several Teaching Excellence Awards, including the prestigious “Yanai Prize”. Livney is a Certified Food Scientist (CFS)-among the inaugural class of recipients from the Institute of Food Technologists (IFT). Prof. Livney has authored >80 publications – cited more than 6216 times (H-index=35), 9 patents, and gave >50 invited & keynote talks at international conferences. Prof. Livney has mentored 16 M.Sc. and 10 Ph.D. students, and is an Editorial-Board Member in several reputed journals.
Faculty:Biotechnology and Food Engineering