Category: COVID-19

Advanced, long term disinfectant polymers

Researcher: Dr. Shady Farah

Surfaces contaminated with viruses such as the Coronavirus may infect people touching them or facilitate their spreadability. On non-porous surfaces, the viable virus can be detected for days to weeks. Current small molecules-based disinfectants are effective in cleaning surfaces, but...
Categories: Chemistry and Materials|COVID-19

Self-sterilized polymers for coatings and printing

Researcher: Prof. Yoav Eichen

Low migration, low odor UV curable polymer compositions designed to passively self-sterilize in an accelerated process, without any need for human intervention The polymers are amenable to coating, 2D- as well as 3D-printing Irreversible immobilization onto the surface and accelerated...
Categories: Chemistry and Materials|COVID-19

Superoleophobic and superhydrophobic surfaces

Researcher: Prof. Boaz Pokroy |Prof. Ester Segal

Employment of a bio-inspired approach in which one component will serve both as the roughness and the hydrophobic surface chemistry elements. Use of various fatty acids as a main component of a superhydrophobic coating for a wide range of substrates....
Categories: Chemistry and Materials|COVID-19

Prof. Zaid Abassi


Research Interests: Mechanisms of sodium/water retention and cardiac hypertrophy in congestive heart failure. Involvement of the endothelin and nitric oxide systems in...

Prof. Emeritus Dan Adam

Biomedical Engineering

Research Interests: Development of ultrasound image analysis methods for functional cardiac imaging. Development of learning and neural network systems for the classification...

Prof. Beni Cukurel

Aerospace Engineering

Research Interests: Basic and applied heat transfer. Micro gas turbine performance assessment and enhancement. Measurement technique development.

Prof. Yair Ein-Eli

Materials Science and Engineering

Research Interests: Advanced materials for portable power sources. Electrochemical behavior and electrodepositing of copper. Development of corrosion inhibitors. Electrochemical behavior of silicon.

Dr. Shady Farah

Chemical Engineering

Research Interests: Functional and medicinal polymers. Antimicrobial and antiviral polymers. Bioactive surfaces. Polymeric and crystalline systems for cancer-targeted delivery. Crystalline drug delivery...

Associate Prof. Naama Geva Zatorsky


Research Interests: Molecular mechanisms of gut microbiota-host interactions. Spatial colonization and niche preferences of gut symbionts. The role of bacteriophage in the...

Prof. Hossam Haick

Chemical Engineering

Research Interests: Nano-array devices for screening. Diagnosis and monitoring of disease. Nanomaterial-based chemical (flexible) sensors. Electronic skin. Breath analysis. Volatile biomarkers. Cell-to-cell...

Associate Prof. Ofer Manor

Chemical Engineering

Research Interests: Passive and active oil/water phase separation. Smart coatings of solids and liquids. Ion structures in the nanometer-thick electrical double layer...

Prof. Boaz Pokroy

Materials Science and Engineering

Research Interests: Biomineralization and mechanical properties of biomineralized tissue. Bioinspired crystal growth and synthesis of semiconductors via wet chemistry. Amorphous thin films...

Associate Prof. Yoav Shechtman

Biomedical Engineering

Research Interests: Optical super-resolution microscopy – experimental methods and algorithms. Multicolor and three-dimensional nano-tracking. Optical design and analysis through machine learning. Fluorescence...

Prof. Ezri Tarazi

Architecture and Town Planning

Research Interests: Industrial design in the era of the fourth industrial revolution. Design for the post-corona era. Digital design and manufacturing. Design...