Category: Automation, Mobility and Aerospace

3D Printed spacer fabrics (3DSF)

Researcher: Yoav Sterman

Knitted Spacer Fabrics (SF, AKA spacer mesh) have numerous uses in the fashion, automobile, safety industries, and more. Nevertheless, current SFs manufacturing suffers from some substantial limitations. The knitting machines are huge and very expensive, and the process requires a...
Categories: Automation, Mobility and Aerospace|Chemistry and Materials|Information and Computer Science|Medical Devices

A new hydrothermal treatment of metal parts – experimental proof of concept

Researcher: Prof. Ori Lahav

Metals might develop cracks and holes during the manufacturing process. 3D printing renders parts very prone to such defects. Other manufacturing methods may create such defects as well. Defects may also form while the parts are in use. This affects...
Categories: Automation, Mobility and Aerospace|Chemistry and Materials

Acoustic localization and mapping of multi-rotor vehicles

Researcher: Prof. Alexander Bronstein

A self-localization system for multi rotor drones . Localization is based on analysis of acoustic signature of returned acoustic signals as a result resulting from reflections from nearby objects. The transmitted acoustic signal is derived from rotor rotation. Advantages Localization...
Categories: Automation, Mobility and Aerospace|Information and Computer Science

Acoustic resonance excited heat exchange

Researcher: Prof. Beni Cukurel

Towards enhancing the efficiency of gas turbines, most thermodynamic cycles require heat to be either added or dissipated by a heat exchanger, which operates by associating two streams of different thermal potential. Due to form factor limitations of many size...
Categories: Automation, Mobility and Aerospace|Sustainability and Energy

Adaptive cycle engine

Researcher: Prof. Beni Cukurel

As the operational envelope of unmanned air vehicles expands into the high sub-sonic and transonic speed range, the engine design process requires compromises in thrust, weight, fuel consumption, size, reliability, and manufacturing cost. Moreover, the engine requirements for multiple operating...
Categories: Automation, Mobility and Aerospace|Security & Defense

Additively manufactured turbine-based engines and ventilators

Researcher: Prof. Beni Cukurel

In the modern world, unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) capture an ever-increasing part of our daily operations. This is especially true for small scale UAVs, which are commonly powered by micro-gas turbines. These micro jet engines have thrust rating below 1...
Categories: Automation, Mobility and Aerospace|Chemistry and Materials|Medical Devices|Security & Defense

Cloud BIM – collaborative platform for building professionals

Researcher: Prof. Rafael Sacks

The fragmented nature of the construction industry necessitates close collaboration among design disciplines and requires extensive data exchange. Despite advances in Building Information Modeling (BIM) technology, teams still rely on a sequential file-based process for design exchange, resulting in issues...
Categories: Automation, Mobility and Aerospace|Information and Computer Science

CMOS-SiPM array for ToF measurements

Researcher: Prof. Emeritus Yael Nemirovsky

Ultra-sensitive light detection systems are increasingly being employed in applications such as mobile range finding, automotive ADAS (Advanced Driver Assistance Systems), gesture recognition, 3D mapping, security, etc. There is an increasing need for "Super-Camera" which is capable of producing two-dimensional and...
Categories: Automation, Mobility and Aerospace|Information and Computer Science|Physics and Electro-Optics

Decision making under uncertain conditions

Researcher: Prof. Vadim Indelman

A system and methods are provided for decision making under uncertainty, for selecting an optimal action from among multiple candidate actions in belief space planning (BSP). BSP is a scalable approach for planning under uncertainty. Today, the two processes, inference...
Categories: Automation, Mobility and Aerospace|Information and Computer Science

Delamination of multilayers films and packages

Researcher: Prof. Oz M. Gazit

Currently multilayer laminate films such as food packing are not recycled due to the inability of the recycling to process the multilayers together. Our delamination technology chemically breaks only the tie-layer (glue) that holds the layers together. The central difference...
Categories: Automation, Mobility and Aerospace|Chemistry and Materials|Food and Agriculture|Sustainability and Energy

Detecting far objects using a 3D optic system

Researcher: Associate Prof. Yoav Shechtman

Today, radar or stereoscopic systems are used when distance estimation is required. Radar systems require expensive equipment. Methods that are based on triangulation require 2 cameras. As the object distance increases, the distance between the cameras has to increase. In...
Categories: Automation, Mobility and Aerospace|Physics and Electro-Optics

Development of advanced automated steering system tower crane

Researcher: Prof. Yehiel Rosenfeld

Tower cranes are abundant type of crane used in building high buildings. It is operated electrically and has very well defined geometry – joints, and other degrees of freedom. It is usually used for long periods of times at the...
Categories: Automation, Mobility and Aerospace

Direct injector of hydrogen or hydrogen-rich gaseous fuel

Researcher: Associate Prof. Leonid Tartakovsky

Current hydrogen rich fuel direct injectors suffer from low flow cross section, non-reliable closure and a non-optimized jet structure, which have a detrimental effect on the engine performance. Achieving higher flow rate, shorter open-close timing and higher backward pressure resistance...
Categories: Automation, Mobility and Aerospace|Sustainability and Energy

Displays from space using swarms of nanosatellites

Researcher: Prof. Emeritus Oded Shmueli|Prof. Ehud Behar

Nano-satellites for forming signs enable easy display of changing signs over different territories and time windows. Known solutions require large satellites and expensive deployment mechanisms and resources. This technology deploys an array of nanosatellites for display forming which allow for...
Categories: Automation, Mobility and Aerospace|Information and Computer Science

Elephant trunk (robotic mechanism with two degrees of freedom)

Researcher: Prof. Alon Wolf

The present invention relates to the field of robotic actuated mechanisms, especially those having a high load lifting capability and light weight, such that they are capable of being stacked end-to-end to provide a hyper-redundant, high flexibility, long robotic arm....
Categories: Automation, Mobility and Aerospace|Medical Devices

Engine design based on novel thermodynamic cycle

Researcher: Associate Prof. Leonid Tartakovsky |Prof. Moshe Sheintuch

Internal combustion engines (ICE) will remain main propulsion technology for various applications for many years. However the challenges are security of energy supply, climate change issues and air pollution. Combined electro-thermo-chemical technology goal is to deal with all those issues...
Categories: Automation, Mobility and Aerospace|Sustainability and Energy

Green corrosion resistant conductive coatings for magnesium alloys

Researcher: Prof. Emeritus Menachem Bamberger

Conductive coatings are of great importance for applications including dissimilar metals joining which needs continuous electrical conductivity as part of design considerations. Magnesium has galvanic corrosion with any other metal. Therefore, it's impossible to use metallic layers on magnesium as conductive...
Categories: Automation, Mobility and Aerospace|Chemistry and Materials

H2 production by electrocatalysis assisted by Peptoid complex

Researcher: Associate Prof. Galia Maayan

Water splitting is an important process towards the generation of H2 as a renewable and sustainable energy source; however, the high overpotential and slow kinetics limit its applicability. Most current photo- and electro-catalysts are expensive to make, not environmentally friendly...
Categories: Automation, Mobility and Aerospace|Chemistry and Materials|Sustainability and Energy

Highly stable membranes for alkaline fuel cells and electrolysers

Researcher: Associate Prof. Charles Eliezer Diesendruck|Prof. Dario R. Dekel

Alkaline fuel cells and electrolyzers offer many advantages over their acidic counterparts, the main one being the possibility to replace precious metals in electrodes with other, low cost and abundant metals. However, the alkaline environment leads to substantial electrolyte decomposition...
Categories: Automation, Mobility and Aerospace|Chemistry and Materials|Sustainability and Energy

Hydrogen and electric energy production on-demand

Researcher: Prof. Emeritus Alon Gany

Hydrogen storage and transportation is both inefficient and hazardous. Hydrogen production by reaction of water and activated aluminum can be done on demand and on the location where the hydrogen will be used. The weight of hydrogen produced is 11%...
Categories: Automation, Mobility and Aerospace|Sustainability and Energy

Improving clarity of images taken under turbid medium conditions

Researcher: Prof. Yoav Schechner

The present invention relates to systems and methods for photographing an in a scattering medium such as water, fog or biological tissues. A wide range of imaging domains exists in scattering media. Several studies improved visibility in such media under...
Categories: Automation, Mobility and Aerospace|Information and Computer Science|Physics and Electro-Optics|Security & Defense
Lithium-ion battery (LIB) is the most widely used energy storage device for portable consumer electronic devices, electric vehicles, and electric grids. Additionally, LIBs have become emerging devices to store renewable energy (i.e., wind, solar, geothermal). Due to the widespread use...
Categories: Automation, Mobility and Aerospace|Chemistry and Materials

Lightweight polymer foam

Researcher: Prof. Emeritus Yachin Cohen

Lightweight avionic parts such as wings and even aircraft body as well as high specific strength parts for seacrafts, automotive, wind turbine and other parts with demanding mechanical requirements are usually made of a laminate of skin (which may be...
Categories: Automation, Mobility and Aerospace|Chemistry and Materials

Long duration Vacuum Arc Thruster for nanosatellite propulsion

Researcher: Dr. Igal Kronhaus

A reliable, non-magnetic, long lived Vacuum Arc Thruster (VAT) - the inline screw feeding vacuum arc thruster (ISF-VAT) is a mechanically controlled feeding mechanism. The feeding mechanism moves the cathode towards the exit plane in a helical path. This enables...
Categories: Automation, Mobility and Aerospace

Low power hall thrusters

Researcher: Dr. Igal Kronhaus

Hall thrusters, also known as closed drift accelerators, are very successful electric propulsion (EP) systems commonly used for spacecraft propulsion. Hall thrusters have good attributes, however they are designed to operate at power levels above 300 W - not suitable...
Categories: Automation, Mobility and Aerospace|Security & Defense

Measurement of coating thermal properties

Researcher: Prof. Beni Cukurel

Thermal barrier coatings (TBCs) are engineered to provide sustained thermal protection to engine components that are exposed to excessive heat load. In the wake of this application, a reliable, non-intrusive and quantitative thermal property measurement method is in high demand...
Categories: Automation, Mobility and Aerospace|Physics and Electro-Optics

Message authentication based on physical location on a bus

Researcher: Prof. Eli Biham

With the ever evolving connectivity and functionality of devices, systems, infrastructures and/or the like, cyber-attacks and cyber threats may present a major and ever growing security concern for multiple networks, systems and infrastructures. Potential malicious attackers may penetrate a network...
Categories: Automation, Mobility and Aerospace|Information and Computer Science

Metafoils – morphing airfoil skins

Researcher: Associate Prof. Amir Gat

In all conventional aircraft this change of shape is achieved by mechanical servo motors which provide angular or linear motion so as to tilt a rigid portion of the wing or lifting device. Aircraft manufacturers are attempted to develop planes...
Categories: Automation, Mobility and Aerospace

Microstructure control of ceramic matrix nanocomposites

Researcher: Prof. Wayne D. Kaplan

Ceramic matrix nanocomposites have interesting advantages over their monolithic counterparts. These composites are based on a micron-sized ceramic matrix reinforced with metal or ceramic sub-micron or nanometer-sized particles as a second phase. One of the main goals of reinforcing the...
Categories: Automation, Mobility and Aerospace|Chemistry and Materials
AI based Optimization scheme for MIMO /Array RADAR systems reducing complexity and cost by optimizing antenna and transmitter/ Receiver topology and reducing the overall number of Transmitting/ Receiving blocks. Advantages Cost and power reduction of RADAR systems Size reduction Applications...
Categories: Automation, Mobility and Aerospace|Information and Computer Science

Online single and multi-agent decision making under uncertainty

Researcher: Prof. Vadim Indelman

Autonomous decision making under uncertainty is a fundamental problem in AI and robots, and is essential in numerous practical applications. Novel approaches are provided for decision making under uncertainty, for determining optimal actions online for single and multi agent systems...
Categories: Automation, Mobility and Aerospace|Security & Defense

Piezoelectric devices with obliquely aligned electrodes

Researcher: Prof. David Elata

There exist many mechanical designs of piezoelectric unimorph actuators that can generate various motions other than conventional in-plane motions. Such devices are used to generate deflections or bending, twisting or torsional motion, and parallel out-of-plane motion, for use in micro-electromechanical...
Categories: Automation, Mobility and Aerospace|Physics and Electro-Optics

Post-functionalization mechanophores via Click Chemistry

Researcher: Dr. Joshua M. Grolman |Associate Prof. Charles Eliezer Diesendruck

The autonomous detection of mechanical stress in plastics and polymers (both biological/natural and synthetic) traditionally requires the incorporation of mechanophores (force-sensitive molecular probes) during the chemical step - polymerization, and therefore does not allow for incorporation after processing. In addition,...
Categories: Automation, Mobility and Aerospace|Chemistry and Materials|Pharmaceuticals and Biotechnology

Probabilistic object classifications

Researcher: Prof. Vadim Indelman

Object detection and classification is a component of situational awareness important to many autonomous systems and robotic tasks. The mobility of robotic systems is widely exploited to overcome limitations of static, one-point-of-view approaches to measurement classification. These limitations may include...
Categories: Automation, Mobility and Aerospace

Protection layer for battery electrodes

Researcher: Distinguished Prof. Yitzhak Apeloig

In Li-ion batteries electrode materials degrade through their reactive interface with the electrolyte. The undesirable interfacial reactions result in formation of layers that impede charge transfer and can serve as an active site for electrolytic consumption, electrode corrosion and passivation,...
Categories: Automation, Mobility and Aerospace|Chemistry and Materials|Sustainability and Energy

Reinforcement learning of robotic control policies

Researcher: Prof. Emeritus Miriam Zacksenhouse

Robots are expected to propagate over different terrains. There is a growing need to provide a method for controlling a movement of a robot that is robust, can allow the robot to propagate over terrains with positive and negative slopes,...
Categories: Automation, Mobility and Aerospace|Information and Computer Science

Road traffic forecasting system

Researcher: Prof. Tomer Toledo

Setting complex traffic light plans is a must as intersections are becoming more complicated and crowded. Current plans must take into account not only vehicles and pedestrians but also bicycles, public transportation of different types etc. The plans should provide...
Categories: Automation, Mobility and Aerospace|Information and Computer Science

Separation of launcher stages and bodies in space

Researcher: Prof. Emeritus Alon Gany

Impulse of a rocket-type combustion chamber is achieved via pressure build-up in a combustion chamber and releasing via a narrow nozzle. Impulse augmentation is achieved via placing a concentrated mass (weight, gel, powder) at the exit of the combustion chamber...
Categories: Automation, Mobility and Aerospace

Shockwave protection layer

Researcher: Prof. Emeritus Daniel (Dany) Rittel |Prof. Yoav Eichen

Abnormal inverse-freezing phenomena, in which fluids solidify upon heating. It was shown that upon impact, some of these inverse-freezing fluids undergo solidification by absorbing impact energy. This novel phase transformation, which occurs in timescales of microseconds, is in stark contrast...
Categories: Automation, Mobility and Aerospace|Chemistry and Materials|Security & Defense

Software tools for improved tire properties

Researcher: Prof. Emeritus Itzhak Shmulevich

Radial agriculture tires are designed to be more flexible while keeping integrity, have higher contact area with the ground and lower tremor while driving. Higher vehicle speeds and weight require redesign of the tires. Current simulations and models take only...
Categories: Automation, Mobility and Aerospace

Synthetic aperture imaging by distributed arrays of space telescopes

Researcher: Prof. Oren Cohen

Long-range imaging is used across various disciplines, including astronomy, remote sensing and surveillance. Higher resolution requires larger aperture and lenses. This makes these systems expensive and cumbersome. A new method for synthetically expanding the aperture by acquiring multiple images of...
Categories: Automation, Mobility and Aerospace|Information and Computer Science

Thermally stable nano-porous gold

Researcher: Prof. Boaz Pokroy

Novel methods to form thermally stable gold particles. The particles are made either from nano-porous gold (np-Gold) – sponge-like single crystals with intricate morphology or thin polycrystalline gold atomic steps. The catalytic activity is akin to that of Au nanoparticles...
Categories: Automation, Mobility and Aerospace|Chemistry and Materials

Ultra micro gas turbines

Researcher: Prof. Beni Cukurel

Electronic military equipment weight as well as MAV flight time is highly dependent on achievable electric energy density. Therefore, the development of a 300W kerosene-driven Ultra Micro Gas Turbine (UMGT) prototype is proposed, which is foreseen to triple energy density...
Categories: Automation, Mobility and Aerospace|Security & Defense|Sustainability and Energy

Viscosity modifiers for oils and lubricants

Researcher: Associate Prof. Charles Eliezer Diesendruck

Oils and lubricants are crucial to the reduction of erosion and energy loss in systems that include moving surfaces. Two basic requirements for these materials are high viscosity, for surface adherence; and viscosity-temperature response, which is achieved by adding polymers...
Categories: Automation, Mobility and Aerospace|Chemistry and Materials

Wearable multimodality haptic feedback device

Researcher: Prof. Alon Wolf |Prof. Lihi Zelnik-Manor

Virtual and Augmented Reality (VR and AR) are rapidly evolving fields, with applications in multiple domains, from gaming to medicine. While the visual and auditory feedback provided have progressed greatly, accompanying devices for haptic feedback are still limited in their...
Categories: Automation, Mobility and Aerospace|Information and Computer Science|Medical Devices

Wide scale terrestrial imaging of the sky

Researcher: Prof. Yoav Schechner

A variety of spaceborne and airborne instruments have been applied to spatio-angularly sample and image atmospheric radiance. These imaging architectures, however, have a spatial resolution of several Km/ pixel, an angular resolution of approximately 7 angles per view, and their...
Categories: Automation, Mobility and Aerospace|Information and Computer Science|Physics and Electro-Optics

Distinguished Prof. Yitzhak Apeloig


Research Interests: Nanonmatetials based on organosilicon compounds. New organosilicon materials. Molecular modeling. Computational quantum chemistry. Reaction mechanisms and reactive intermediates in organosilicon...

Prof. Izhak Bucher

Mechanical Engineering

Research Interests: Vibration, dynamics of rotating machinery. Experimental identification and modeling of vibrating and rotating machines. Non-contacting measurements, signal processing. Shape optimization...

Prof. Emeritus Yachin Cohen

Chemical Engineering

Research Interests: Dispersion and processing of carbon nanotubes and graphene with polymers. Functional nano-composites. High performance composite materials by fiber compaction. Organized...

Prof. Beni Cukurel

Aerospace Engineering

Research Interests: Basic and applied heat transfer. Micro gas turbine performance assessment and enhancement. Measurement technique development.

Dr. Yuval Dagan

Aerospace Engineering

Research Interests: Hydrodynamic instability of multiphase flows. Turbulent combustion of liquid fuel sprays and gaseous fuels, and instability of flames. Computational fluid...

Dr. Sagi Dalyot

Civil and Environmental Engineering

Research Interests: Geodata sciences. Navigation, mobility and Location-based services, focusing on people with physical disabilities. User-generated geographic content, crowdsourcing and citizen science.

Prof. Dario R. Dekel

Chemical Engineering

Research Interests: Ionomeric materials Anion Exchange Membranes (AEMs) Non-Pt electrocatalysts AEM-Fuel Cells. AEM-Redox Flow Batteries Ionomeric membrane-based electrochemical processes.

Associate Prof. Charles Eliezer Diesendruck


Research Interests: Smart polymer materials (e.g. self-healing). Ion-exchange membrane. Electrode functionalization. Tuning mechanical properties of polymer materials.

Associate Prof. Nitai Drimer

Mechanical Engineering

Research Interests: Design in marine environment. Waves-structures interaction. Naval architecture. Offshore aquaculture engineering. Structural analysis.

Prof. Ran El-Yaniv

Computer Science

Research Interests: Statistical learning theory, data clustering and compression, applications to information retrieval. Web mining, human-computer interaction, biological sequence analysis, texture analysis...

Prof. Anath Fischer

Mechanical Engineering

Research Interests: Feature-based systems. Multiresolution geometric modeling methods. Computer aided geometrical design methods. Geometric reconstruction from scanned data (CT, MRI, 3D camera,...

Prof. Emeritus Alon Gany

Aerospace Engineering

Research Interests: Aerospace propulsion (rockets, ramjets, scramjets). Marine jet propulsion (two-phase jet, water-breathing ram-rockets). Hydrogen and energy production (production on-demand, storage, electric...

Associate Prof. Guy Gilboa

Electrical and Computer Engineering

Research Interests: Image processing and computer vision, with strong focus on mathematical models related to calculus of variations and nonlinear spectral theory.

Prof. Gideon S. Grader

Chemical Engineering

Research Interests: Hydrogen generation and materials for energy applications. Hydrogen generation by decoupled water splitting. Synthesis of ceramic nanofibers with special architectures....

Prof. David Greenblatt

Mechanical Engineering

Research Interests: Energy-related flow control applications, active separation control, dynamic stall control, wake and vortex management; high-lift and high-alpha aerodynamics. Turbo-machinery heat...

Prof. Moshe Guelman

Aerospace Engineering

Research Interests: Spacecraft dynamics and control. Astrodynamics. Trajectory optimization. Guidance systems. Space robotics. Optimal and adaptive control.

Prof. Emeritus Per-Olof Gutman

Civil and Environmental Engineering

Research Interests: Control of uncertain systems with non-differentiable non-linearities, including control of electro-mechanical systems, such as stabilized platforms, etc. Robust and adaptive...

Prof. Vadim Indelman

Aerospace Engineering

Research Interests: Planning under uncertainty and AI Semantic perception and simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM) Multi-robot systems

Prof. Ron Kimmel

Computer Science

Research Interests: Computer vision. Graphics. Geometric machine learning and big data. Computational medicine and biometry. Applied metric and differential geometries.

Prof. Shie Mannor

Electrical and Computer Engineering

Research Interests: Reinforcement learning. High dimensional statistics and learning. Uncertainty and risk in decision making. Learning and modeling dynamics from data. Systems...

Prof. Benveniste (Benny) Natan

Aerospace Engineering

Research Interests: Gel propellants – rheology, atomization, combustion. Rocket, ramjet and scramjet propulsion. Combustion. Hypergolic ignition. Reactive and two-phase flows. Metal and...

Prof. Elon Rimon

Mechanical Engineering

Research Interests: Robot vehicles: navigating an experimental mobile robot to a goal while avoiding collision with obstacles, while information is gathered on-line...

Prof. Emeritus Daniel (Dany) Rittel

Mechanical Engineering

Research Interests: Experimental mechanics. Fracture mechanics (static and dynamic, damage). Mechanical properties of materials. Mechanical metallurgy. Failure analysis of materials & mechanical...

Prof. Yoav Schechner

Electrical and Computer Engineering

Research Interests: Computer vision. Optics. Imaging computational tomography. light in nature. Spaceborne missions. Environmental climate. Signal processing. Biological signals. Image structure and...

Prof. Moshe Sheintuch

Chemical Engineering

Research Interests: Chemical and catalytic reaction engineering. Kinetic instabilities, reactor dynamics and control, chaos, spatio-temporal patterns. Reaction and diffusion in porous and...

Prof. Emeritus Itzhak Shmulevich

Civil and Environmental Engineering

Research Interests: Soil/Machine interaction. Non-destructive firmness measuring of fruits and vegetables. Computation and modeling of agricultural and natural materials.

Associate Prof. Aaron Sprecher

Architecture and Town Planning

Research Interests: Computational design. Generative design. Architectural robotics. Additive manufacturing and related fabrication methods for the Industry 4.0. Research on new materials...

Associate Prof. Leonid Tartakovsky

Mechanical Engineering

Research Interests: Advanced propulsion systems. Combustion in internal combustion engines. Internal combustion engines for UAV. Alternative fuels. Fuel atomization. Energy and environmental...

Prof. Tomer Toledo

Civil and Environmental Engineering

Research Interests: Large-scale traffic simulation. Intelligent transportation systems. Driver behavior modeling. Transportation network analysis. Dynamic traffic management systems. Transportation demand modeling.

Prof. Alon Wolf

Mechanical Engineering

Research Interests: Fundamental kinematics. Kinematic synthesis and design of mechanisms. Medical robotics. Biomechanics. Hyper redundant (snake) robots.

Prof. Emeritus Miriam Zacksenhouse

Mechanical Engineering

Research Interests: Machine learning for robotic control. Invasive brain machine interfaces (BMIS). Non-invasive brain computer interfaces (BCIS). Computational motor control. Neural oscillators...