Category: Sustainability and Energy

Acoustic resonance excited heat exchange

Researcher: Prof. Beni Cukurel

Towards enhancing the efficiency of gas turbines, most thermodynamic cycles require heat to be either added or dissipated by a heat exchanger, which operates by associating two streams of different thermal potential. Due to form factor limitations of many size...
Categories: Automation, Mobility and Aerospace|Sustainability and Energy

Activated carbon electrodes for heterogeneous electrocatalysis

Researcher: Prof. Emeritus Zeev Gross

In order to enhance the efficiency of electrocatalysis, carbon electrodes are coated with platinum (Pt) catalyst. However, the use of Pt, which is a costly rare metal, poses obstacles to the growth of markets such as hydrogen production in electrolyzers,...
Categories: Chemistry and Materials|Sustainability and Energy

Adsorption - absorption materials

Researcher: Prof. Michael S. Silverstein

Adsorbent/absorbent polymers are needed for the decontamination of water from organics and from metal ions. It is, however, difficult to incorporate high quantities of active adsorbents in monoliths. Highly porous emulsion-templated hydrophobic polymers, known as polyHIPEs since they are synthesized...
Categories: Chemistry and Materials|Sustainability and Energy

Advanced thin-layer coating for superior UV resistance in polymers

Researcher: Assoc. Prof. Tamar Segal-Peretz

Plastics are highly susceptible to UV radiation, leading to degradation, reduced lifespan, discoloration and frequent replacements. Traditional solutions, such as UV stabilizers, absorbers, antioxidants, and thick coatings, often come with limitations—altering mechanical properties, requiring chemical compatibility, or relying on heavily...
Categories: Chemistry and Materials|Physics and Electro-Optics|Sustainability and Energy

Aluminum-air (Al-air) battery technology

Researcher: Prof. Yair Ein-Eli

The energy capacity of today batteries is a limitation in usage of all portable devices from cell phones to hearing aid devices. The possible current density for Al/Air battery is at the limit of 1.5mA/cm2. Additionally, initial potential drop at...
Categories: Chemistry and Materials|Sustainability and Energy

Bio-based, bio-degradable plastic

Researcher: Associate Prof. Nadav Amdursky

Much of the planet is swimming in discarded plastic. Plastic pollution has become one of the most pressing environmental issues, as rapidly increasing production of disposable plastic products overwhelms the world’s ability to deal with them. In order to handle...
Categories: Chemistry and Materials|Food and Agriculture|Sustainability and Energy

Bio-fabrication of nanocellulose-mycelium hybrid materials

Researcher: Prof. Jacob (Yasha) Grobman

Fibrous network of mycelium - the vegetative part of fungi - is employed to produce sustainable alternatives for synthetic foams. Clear correlation between fungi, substrate, mold properties, and incubation conditions on final material characteristics, is used to control material density,...
Categories: Chemistry and Materials|Sustainability and Energy

Bioplastic eco-friendly films

Researcher: Associate Prof. Maya Davidovich-Pinhas

Plastics are known to be one of the most urgent problems in the world due to its increase use in different applications such as food, house holding, construction etc. Today some of the plastics can be recycled while some cannot. In...
Categories: Chemistry and Materials|Food and Agriculture|Sustainability and Energy

Brackish-water desalination using mineral-selective membrane

Researcher: Associate Prof. Razi Epsztein

Reverse osmosis and nanofiltration membranes used for desalination typically remove most or all minerals from water, including beneficial ones like calcium and magnesium. While eliminating sodium chloride is essential, some of these filtered-out minerals are vital for health. The proposed...
Categories: Chemistry and Materials|Food and Agriculture|Sustainability and Energy

Carbon-based electrodes for fuel cells and electrolyzers

Researcher: Associate Prof. David Eisenberg

Hydrogen fuel cells are a key enabling technology towards supplant CO2-emitting fuels with hydrogen. Proton Exchange Membrane (PEM-FC) technology is the dominant incumbent for automotive applications. However, PEM-FCs suffer from a strong drawback in the cost of the fuel cell...
Categories: Chemistry and Materials|Sustainability and Energy

Cathodic electrophoretic deposition of barium titanate layers from aqueous suspension

Researcher: Prof. Yoed Tsur

Barium titanate (BaTiO3) is one of the most important ceramic materials used in electronics. As an intrinsic ferroelectric material it can be utilized for various applications like multilayer capacitors, grain boundary capacitors, low-temperature sensors and thermistors. There is a growing...
Categories: Chemistry and Materials|Sustainability and Energy

Clean energy generation via gas or liquid flow

Researcher: Prof. David Greenblatt

Wind turbines are rotating elements with the potential to hit objects or birds near them. A high efficiency, green energy can be produced by means of actively controlled vortex shedding (ACVS). Reciprocating movement of element, in direction perpendicular to the...
Categories: Sustainability and Energy

Conversion of Cellulose Biomass into Electrical Power Using Cellulase Enzyme

Researcher: Associate Prof. Omer Yehezkeli

Conversion of biomass to electric power is an attractive strategy for the generation of green and efficient energy. As Cellulose is one of the most abound polymers on earth, ~70% of the plant biomass is cellulose, which makes him an...
Categories: Chemistry and Materials|Sustainability and Energy

Cooling, dehumidification and air conditioning by waste heat

Researcher: Prof. Emeritus Gershon Grossman

Growing demand for air conditioning in recent years has caused a significant increase in demand for electrical energy. Electric utilities have their peak loads on hot summer days, and are often barely capable of meeting the demand, struggling with burn-out...
Categories: Sustainability and Energy

Delamination of multilayers films and packages

Researcher: Prof. Oz M. Gazit

Currently multilayer laminate films such as food packing are not recycled due to the inability of the recycling to process the multilayers together. Our delamination technology chemically breaks only the tie-layer (glue) that holds the layers together. The central difference...
Categories: Automation, Mobility and Aerospace|Chemistry and Materials|Food and Agriculture|Sustainability and Energy

Direct injector of hydrogen or hydrogen-rich gaseous fuel

Researcher: Associate Prof. Leonid Tartakovsky

Current hydrogen rich fuel direct injectors suffer from low flow cross section, non-reliable closure and a non-optimized jet structure, which have a detrimental effect on the engine performance. Achieving higher flow rate, shorter open-close timing and higher backward pressure resistance...
Categories: Automation, Mobility and Aerospace|Sustainability and Energy

Efficient biodiesel production using cellulose microcapsules

Researcher: Prof. Emeritus Yachin Cohen

Biodiesel is typically made by chemically reacting lipids such as animal fat, soybean oil or some other vegetable oil with an alcohol. This process requires, other than oil and alcohol also enzymes. In order to produce alcohol one can use...
Categories: Chemistry and Materials|Sustainability and Energy

Encapsulation materials

Researcher: Prof. Michael S. Silverstein

A family of continuous porous polymers, generally known as polyHIPEs, have been synthesized using high internal phase emulsions (HIPEs) as templates for the porous structure. This composition-of-matter having microscopic closed-cell capsules (either hydrophobic and hydrophilic) can be utilized for various...
Categories: Chemistry and Materials|Food and Agriculture|Sustainability and Energy

Engine design based on novel thermodynamic cycle

Researcher: Associate Prof. Leonid Tartakovsky |Prof. Moshe Sheintuch

Internal combustion engines (ICE) will remain main propulsion technology for various applications for many years. However the challenges are security of energy supply, climate change issues and air pollution. Combined electro-thermo-chemical technology goal is to deal with all those issues...
Categories: Automation, Mobility and Aerospace|Sustainability and Energy

Enhancing conductivity and reactivity in electro-catalytic materials

Researcher: Associate Prof. Maytal Caspary Toroker

Electrode quality for electrochemical conversion needs material improvement and design. For instance, conversion efficiencies of photoelectrochemical cells used for water splitting reaction are limited by the intrinsic material properties of the electrode. The electrode should be a good conductor, a...
Categories: Chemistry and Materials|Sustainability and Energy

Glucose and Lactate Continuous Monitoring

Researcher: Associate Prof. Omer Yehezkeli

A great effort has been made to establish efficient electron transfer between electrodes and enzymes. The protein shell of the enzyme prevents electrical communication with electrodes, therefore, redox mediators are required for activation. present new methodology to establish efficient electron...
Categories: Medical Devices|Sustainability and Energy

H2 production by electrocatalysis assisted by Peptoid complex

Researcher: Associate Prof. Galia Maayan

Water splitting is an important process towards the generation of H2 as a renewable and sustainable energy source; however, the high overpotential and slow kinetics limit its applicability. Most current photo- and electro-catalysts are expensive to make, not environmentally friendly...
Categories: Automation, Mobility and Aerospace|Chemistry and Materials|Sustainability and Energy

High potential cathodes for thermal lithium batteries

Researcher: Prof. Yair Ein-Eli

Thermal batteries have long shelf-life, short service life and high capacity. They are very reliable. Increasing energy density will allow reducing volume of the batteries. This can be achieved by increase of discharge potential of the batteries via increase in...
Categories: Chemistry and Materials|Sustainability and Energy

High rate hydrogenotrophic denitrification of drinking water

Researcher: Prof. Emeritus Michal Green |Prof. Ori Lahav

A novel pressurized high rate hydrogenotrophic reactor for denitrification without gas purging. This invention shows that during continuous operation a gas–liquid equilibrium is established in the reactor according to Henry’s law and excess N2 gas is carried out by the...
Categories: Sustainability and Energy

High-temperature anion-exchange membrane fuel cell

Researcher: Prof. Dario R. Dekel

A conventional AEMFC that can operate at temperature over 100oC. The cell structure and conditions are such that even though the temperature is high at least some of the water in it remain liquid by balancing dew point, pressures, adding...
Categories: Sustainability and Energy

Highly stable membranes for alkaline fuel cells and electrolysers

Researcher: Associate Prof. Charles Eliezer Diesendruck|Prof. Dario R. Dekel

Alkaline fuel cells and electrolyzers offer many advantages over their acidic counterparts, the main one being the possibility to replace precious metals in electrodes with other, low cost and abundant metals. However, the alkaline environment leads to substantial electrolyte decomposition...
Categories: Automation, Mobility and Aerospace|Chemistry and Materials|Sustainability and Energy

Hydrogen and electric energy production on-demand

Researcher: Prof. Emeritus Alon Gany

Hydrogen storage and transportation is both inefficient and hazardous. Hydrogen production by reaction of water and activated aluminum can be done on demand and on the location where the hydrogen will be used. The weight of hydrogen produced is 11%...
Categories: Automation, Mobility and Aerospace|Sustainability and Energy

Imaging of the electric grid

Researcher: Prof. Yoav Schechner

Power plants supply the city's electrical needs using alternating current (AC) power transmission. In AC power transmission, electrical energy is distributed by generating an AC voltage waveform (usually a sine wave) with a frequency of 50 or 60 Hz. This...
Categories: Physics and Electro-Optics|Sustainability and Energy

Increasing efficiency of fans, turbines and rotating blades

Researcher: Prof. David Greenblatt

Adding steady or oscillatory perturbation near the leading edge of the blades - mechanical, electro-mechanical, pneumatic, hydraulic, plasma based, Lorentz force based, etc. or Gurney flaps to the trailing edge of fan blades increases air-flow, aerodynamic efficiency, power savings and...
Categories: Security & Defense|Sustainability and Energy

Innovative non-condensables purge system for closed cycle absorption heat pumps

Researcher: Prof. Emeritus Gershon Grossman

Non-condensable gases (NCG) are known to cause a significant deterioration in the condensation and absorption heat and mass transfer processes in absorption systems used for thermal cooling and heating. Most absorption systems on the market are chillers, which operate with...
Categories: Sustainability and Energy

Linear wave-based engine

Researcher: Prof. Izhak Bucher

Linear motion in a cylinder using helical wave generator in elastic component. A large static radial holding force is formed in addition to the linear motion created by the elliptical movement. The motion is precise and requires low power engine...
Categories: Medical Devices|Sustainability and Energy

Local reuse of grey water and follow-up on systems for grey water recycling

Researcher: Prof. Eran Friedler

Greywater (GW), domestic wastewater excluding the streams generated by toilets and kitchens, can serve as an alternative water source. The main options for GW reuse are toilet flushing and garden irrigation. Greywater reuse can significantly reduce domestic water consumption. While...
Categories: Sustainability and Energy

Mechanochemical recycling of plastic mixtures for injection molding

Researcher: Associate Prof. Charles Eliezer Diesendruck

Plastic recycling has many challenges, most of which are a consequence of the huge variability of materials in the recovered plastic. While separation between different types of plastics can be somewhat addressed by separation, even if 100% of the same...
Categories: Chemistry and Materials|Sustainability and Energy

Nano gate - stimulus induced nanofluidic device

Researcher: Prof. Oz M. Gazit|Associate Prof. Ofer Manor

Flow control that is activated by environmental and other pre-designed parameters can be useful in many systems such as agriculture and water treatment. Natural tendency of two-dimensional (2D) clay nano-particles to self-assemble and restrict water permeability in soils can be...
Categories: Chemistry and Materials|Food and Agriculture|Pharmaceuticals and Biotechnology|Sustainability and Energy

Novel Protein-Based Aerogels

Aerogels are like hydrogels in which the liquids have been replaced by a gas. Recently, natural protein-based aerogels found to be very interesting in the biomedical and biomaterial fields due to their biocompatibility and degradability. Current approaches still use harsh...
Categories: Chemistry and Materials|Pharmaceuticals and Biotechnology|Sustainability and Energy

Organic semiconductors p-dopants

Researcher: Prof. Nir Tessler

Organic solar cells represent a promising advancement in solar technology, having recently achieved a significant improvement in photo-conversion efficiency from approximately 10% to 17%, with a projected maximum efficiency slightly surpassing 20%. Overcoming challenges in extracting carriers from the active...
Categories: Chemistry and Materials|Physics and Electro-Optics|Sustainability and Energy

Plant proteins as edible matrixes

Researcher: Prof. Eyal Zussman

Cultivated meat is considered one of the leading solutions to the global food crisis, offering conventional meat-like nutritional values and eating experiences without harming animals and with a much lower environmental footprint compared to conventional meat production. The development of...
Categories: Food and Agriculture|Sustainability and Energy

Protection layer for battery electrodes

Researcher: Distinguished Prof. Yitzhak Apeloig

In Li-ion batteries electrode materials degrade through their reactive interface with the electrolyte. The undesirable interfacial reactions result in formation of layers that impede charge transfer and can serve as an active site for electrolytic consumption, electrode corrosion and passivation,...
Categories: Automation, Mobility and Aerospace|Chemistry and Materials|Sustainability and Energy

Protein-based polymers as the active layer in electronic devices

Researcher: Associate Prof. Nadav Amdursky

Using sustainable and affordable proteins as the basis for the formation of a new family of environmental polymers that are free-standing, soft, elastic, and most importantly, their electronic and ionic conductivity can be engineered. A special focus is given to...
Categories: Chemistry and Materials|Medical Devices|Sustainability and Energy

Pulse tube sterling type cryogenic cooling

Researcher: Prof. Emeritus Gershon Grossman

Refrigeration at temperatures around 80-150 K is required for infrared night-vision equipment with high resolution and fast response times. Compact, light-weight devices are necessary for many typical applications, such as for man-portable night-vision equipment, unattended aerial vehicles, and for use...
Categories: Security & Defense|Sustainability and Energy

Pure hydrogen production

Researcher: Prof. Moshe Sheintuch

Fuel cells require very clean hydrogen for proper operation. Hydrogen transportation poses several logistics and safety issues. The solution might be – on board clean hydrogen production using a very efficient autothermal system. The system produces clean hydrogen by steam...
Categories: Chemistry and Materials|Sustainability and Energy

Recycling phosphogypsum

Researcher: Prof. Konstantin Kovler

Phosphogypsum is a product of manufacturing of phosphoric acid from phosphate rock. It contains radioactive impurities and chemical impurities which deteriorate the gypsum quality. Huge quantities of phosphogypsum is piling next to quarries. Some process exists to clean the phosphogypsum...
Categories: Chemistry and Materials|Sustainability and Energy

Reef restoration

Researcher: Prof. Ezri Tarazi

Coral reefs are great touristic point of interest, but they also protect coastlines from storms and erosion, are source of food and provide jobs. They are facing serious threats from rapid climate change and might disappear by 2050. It is...
Categories: Sustainability and Energy

Rotational casting of inorganic cement architectural components

Researcher: Prof. Emeritus Arnon Bentur |Prof. Jacob (Yasha) Grobman|Associate Prof. Aaron Sprecher

Façade tiles and aesthetics components with complex geometries are currently difficult to fabricate and require cement or mechanical parts such as bolts for connections. Inorganic cementitious tiles are relatively weak and absorb water. Manufacturing such architectural elements from polymers and...
Categories: Chemistry and Materials|Sustainability and Energy

Separation of ions from water and wastewater

Researcher: Associate Prof. Youri Gendel

Purification of water or waste water from nitrates and other ions can be done using ion exchange and other processes which consume large amounts of salts, acids or bases and produce highly concentrated brines that are difficult to treat. In...
Categories: Chemistry and Materials|Sustainability and Energy

Silicon-air battery

Researcher: Prof. Yair Ein-Eli

Metal air battery based on Si anode using highly doped and metalized Silicon. The high dopants concentration increases Si wafers conductivity. The battery has undetectable self-discharge rate Advantages High density energy source High tolerance to relative humidity Infinite shelf life...
Categories: Chemistry and Materials|Sustainability and Energy

Smart dust

Researcher: Prof. Hossam Haick

While chemical compounds are essential to many aspects of our lives and provide key solutions, they may also create environmental and health challenges. Chemical mixture might have an increased effect on health and environment. Main inspection method is spectrometry and...
Categories: Chemistry and Materials|Sustainability and Energy

Thin film composite membranes

Researcher: Assoc. Prof. Tamar Segal-Peretz

Thin film composite (TFC) membranes are utilized in various industries, including water treatment, agriculture, manufacturing, power generation, waste treatment, military, and semiconductors. For decades, the industry standard for fabricating the active layer of these membranes has been interfacial polymerization (IP),...
Categories: Chemistry and Materials|Food and Agriculture|Pharmaceuticals and Biotechnology|Sustainability and Energy

Ultra micro gas turbines

Researcher: Prof. Beni Cukurel

Electronic military equipment weight as well as MAV flight time is highly dependent on achievable electric energy density. Therefore, the development of a 300W kerosene-driven Ultra Micro Gas Turbine (UMGT) prototype is proposed, which is foreseen to triple energy density...
Categories: Automation, Mobility and Aerospace|Security & Defense|Sustainability and Energy

Water desalination - selective removal of specific Ions

Researcher: Prof. Matthew Suss|Associate Prof. Charles Eliezer Diesendruck

Selective water treatment, which removes more problematic ions preferentially over others, is an important goal towards next generation, energy efficient water treatment systems. Current treatment techniques rely on chemical sedimentation or membrane separation, the latter of which is used in...
Categories: Chemistry and Materials|Sustainability and Energy

Water purification by forward osmosis

Researcher: Prof. Yair Ein-Eli

A new separation unit for FO comprising of 2 separation columns which are filled with a stimulus water-absorbing polymer gel. The gel is thermo-sensitive with lower critical solution temperature. This material absorbs water below critical temperature Thyd and release water...
Categories: Chemistry and Materials|Sustainability and Energy

Water treatment for prolonged live seafood transportation and holding

Researcher: Prof. Ori Lahav

Technology Seafood such as lobsters, oysters, clams, and the like are premium products all over the world. Potential revenue from selling live premium seafood is significantly higher than the revenue obtained from frozen or chilled fresh products. Nevertheless, most premium...
Categories: Food and Agriculture|Sustainability and Energy

Prof. Noam Adir


Research Interests: Structural biology of photosynthetic complexes, enzymes, stress related proteins, etc. Renewable energy from direct photosynthetic activity to hydrogen conversion. Development...

Prof. Emeritus Yehuda Agnon

Civil and Environmental Engineering

Research Interests: Water waves. Renewable energy. Thermoacoustic engines – heat engines with no moving parts. Natural gas liquefaction. Acoustic generator – conversion...

Associate Prof. Nadav Amdursky


Research Interests: Biomaterials. Conductive biopolymers. Bioelectronics. Charge transfer. Proton/anion exchange membranes. Ultrafast processes. Biopolymers for energy applications. Biopolymers for functional biomedical devices....

Associate Prof. Lilac Amirav


Research Interests: Photochemical oxidation on nanorod photocatalysts. Morphological effects on photocatalytic activity. Bi-metallic co-catalysts for efficient photocatalytic hydrogen production.

Distinguished Prof. Yitzhak Apeloig


Research Interests: Nanonmatetials based on organosilicon compounds. New organosilicon materials. Molecular modeling. Computational quantum chemistry. Reaction mechanisms and reactive intermediates in organosilicon...

Associate Prof. Maytal Caspary Toroker

Materials Science and Engineering

Research Interests: Renewable energy sources. Photovoltaic solar cells based on metal-oxide semiconductors for producing electricity. Energy conversion. Solid oxide fuel cells. Alternative...

Prof. Beni Cukurel

Aerospace Engineering

Research Interests: Basic and applied heat transfer. Micro gas turbine performance assessment and enhancement. Measurement technique development.

Prof. Dario R. Dekel

Chemical Engineering

Research Interests: Ionomeric materials Anion Exchange Membranes (AEMs) Non-Pt electrocatalysts AEM-Fuel Cells. AEM-Redox Flow Batteries Ionomeric membrane-based electrochemical processes.

Associate Prof. Charles Eliezer Diesendruck


Research Interests: Smart polymer materials (e.g. self-healing). Ion-exchange membrane. Electrode functionalization. Tuning mechanical properties of polymer materials.

Prof. Yair Ein-Eli

Materials Science and Engineering

Research Interests: Advanced materials for portable power sources. Electrochemical behavior and electrodepositing of copper. Development of corrosion inhibitors. Electrochemical behavior of silicon.

Associate Prof. David Eisenberg


Research Interests: Multi-doping – the interaction of several active elements at a single catalytic site. Flow engineering – improving the delivery of...

Associate Prof. Razi Epsztein

Civil and Environmental Engineering

Research Interests: Membrane processes for selective separation at the water-energy nexus. Molecular transport and selectivity in membranes and nanopores. Biological processes for...

Prof. Izhak Etsion

Mechanical Engineering

Research Interests: Hydrodynamic and hydrostatic lubrication. Fluid film bearings and seals. Contact adhesion and friction of rough surfaces. Laser surface texturing. Modeling...

Prof. Gitti Frey

Materials Science and Engineering

Research Interests: Conducting and semiconducting polymers. Hybrid materials and nanocomposites. Electronic processes at organic/inorganic interfaces. Electrostatic interactions and Coulomb correlations in solution....

Prof. Emeritus Alon Gany

Aerospace Engineering

Research Interests: Aerospace propulsion (rockets, ramjets, scramjets). Marine jet propulsion (two-phase jet, water-breathing ram-rockets). Hydrogen and energy production (production on-demand, storage, electric...

Prof. Oz M. Gazit

Chemical Engineering

Research Interests: Heterogeneous Catalysis. Advanced hybrid organic/inorganic materials. Adsorption Materials. Sustainable carbon based fuels.

Associate Prof. Youri Gendel

Civil and Environmental Engineering

Research Interests: Environmental electrochemistry – advanced oxidation processes. Electrocoagulation. Nitrogen removal. Capacitive deionization. Redox flow batteries. Supercapacitors. Fuel cell. Catalytic membrane contractors...

Prof. Gideon S. Grader

Chemical Engineering

Research Interests: Hydrogen generation and materials for energy applications. Hydrogen generation by decoupled water splitting. Synthesis of ceramic nanofibers with special architectures....

Prof. Emeritus Michal Green

Civil and Environmental Engineering

Research Interests: Bioreactors for water and wastewater treatment. Immobilization of bacteria in fabricated nanofibers.

Prof. David Greenblatt

Mechanical Engineering

Research Interests: Energy-related flow control applications, active separation control, dynamic stall control, wake and vortex management; high-lift and high-alpha aerodynamics. Turbo-machinery heat...

Prof. Jacob (Yasha) Grobman

Architecture and Town Planning

Research Interests: Digital architecture and performance-oriented architectural design. Sustainable architectural design. Computer aided manufacturing. The connection between digital design research and architectural...

Prof. Emeritus Gershon Grossman

Mechanical Engineering

Research Interests: Energy Conservation: waste heat utilization, industrial and residential heat pumps, absorption systems, chillers, heat pumps and heat transformers. Solar Energy:...

Associate Prof. Dan Michaels

Aerospace Engineering

Research Interests: Dual mode scramjet – supersonic and subsonic flame holding. Thrusters for space application discharging a concentrated mass. Solid propellants. Two-phase...

Associate Prof. Guy Ramon

Civil and Environmental Engineering

Research Interests: Membrane science and technology: Membrane formation; structure – performance characteristics; deposition and fouling; strategies for fouling prevention and control. Biofilms...

Prof. Avner Rothschild

Materials Science and Engineering

Research Interests: Electrochemical materials and devices for energy conversion and storage: Water splitting – Pioneering new approaches for green hydrogen production by...

Prof. Levi Schachter

Electrical and Computer Engineering

Research Interests: Advanced acceleration concepts. Interaction of free electrons with electromagnetic fields and waves. Interaction of electromagnetic field with the human body.

Prof. Emeritus Raphael Semiat

Chemical Engineering

Research Interests: Water technologies with emphasis on water desalination aspects. Applications of membranes to separation processes and water desalination. Crystallization from solutions...

Prof. Moshe Sheintuch

Chemical Engineering

Research Interests: Chemical and catalytic reaction engineering. Kinetic instabilities, reactor dynamics and control, chaos, spatio-temporal patterns. Reaction and diffusion in porous and...

Associate Prof. Leonid Tartakovsky

Mechanical Engineering

Research Interests: Advanced propulsion systems. Combustion in internal combustion engines. Internal combustion engines for UAV. Alternative fuels. Fuel atomization. Energy and environmental...

Prof. Nir Tessler

Electrical and Computer Engineering

Research Interests: Conducting, semi-conducting and light emitting organic materials. Photo-physical processes (including laser action and micro-cavities). Transport of charges and of electron-hole...

Prof. Yoed Tsur

Chemical Engineering

Research Interests: Alternative energy sources. Impedance spectroscopy measurements. Analysis of impedance spectroscopy results using evolutionary programming techniques. Synthesis and development of oxide...