Category: Medical Devices

3D printed biodegradable implants

Researcher: Prof. Shulamit Levenberg

In severe nerve injuries, major gaps are formed within the tissue and the axons in the spinal cord fail to regenerate. This failure is related to the formation of cystic cavities within the injury site. Unlike healthy extra-cellular matrix, the...
Categories: Medical Devices|Pharmaceuticals and Biotechnology

3D Printed spacer fabrics (3DSF)

Researcher: Yoav Sterman

Knitted Spacer Fabrics (SF, AKA spacer mesh) have numerous uses in the fashion, automobile, safety industries, and more. Nevertheless, current SFs manufacturing suffers from some substantial limitations. The knitting machines are huge and very expensive, and the process requires a...
Categories: Automation, Mobility and Aerospace|Chemistry and Materials|Information and Computer Science|Medical Devices

3D printing of ears

Researcher: Prof. Shulamit Levenberg

Microtia, which refers to a small and malformed external ear, occurs with an incidence of 1 to 10 per 10,000 births. Among surgical techniques of microtia repair, autologous reconstruction using costal cartilage is the most widely accepted. Autologous reconstruction using...
Categories: Medical Devices

3D scaffolds of embedded olfactory ensheathing cells

Researcher: Prof. Shulamit Levenberg

Olfactory bulb (OB)-derived cells include fibroblasts, astrocytes, and olfactory ensheathing cells (OECs). OECs are a distinctive type of glia that secrete neurotrophic factors and form myelin sheaths around axons projecting from the olfactory mucosa into the OB of the central...
Categories: Medical Devices

A bioink formulation for 3D printing of skeletal muscle

Researcher: Prof. Dror Seliktar

Over the past century, revolutionary techniques were developed allowing organ and tissue transplantation from human donors. Although such therapies have been extremely valuable and lifesaving, they are far from being sustainable on a global scale. Despite these shortcomings, allogeneic transplantations...
Categories: Chemistry and Materials|Medical Devices

A flap for de-novo tissue regeneration

Researcher: Prof. Shulamit Levenberg

Abdominal wall defects caused by severe trauma, burn or cancer ablation involve significant tissue loss (i.e.: the skin, subcutis, muscle and fascia layers), often requiring surgical reconstruction. Various techniques have been used in the final phase of management of abdominal wall...
Categories: Medical Devices

A novel graded-stiffness device for optimal foot ulcer treatment and prevention

Researcher: Prof. Alon Wolf

A foot support device or structure with a pressure relief zone for the treatment of foot conditions, designed to reduce local stresses and distribute pressure optimally, based on a finite-element (FE) analysis, which is a powerful tool that allows evaluation...
Categories: Medical Devices

Additively manufactured turbine-based engines and ventilators

Researcher: Prof. Beni Cukurel

In the modern world, unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) capture an ever-increasing part of our daily operations. This is especially true for small scale UAVs, which are commonly powered by micro-gas turbines. These micro jet engines have thrust rating below 1...
Categories: Automation, Mobility and Aerospace|Chemistry and Materials|Medical Devices|Security & Defense

AI analysis for ECG telemedicine

Researcher: Prof. Assaf Schuster

Diagnosis of the cardiac condition involves the analysis of an ECG image through a visual examination of the printed physical output of the recording. The technology enables an automated analysis employing innovative deep-learning methods. The research, enables immediate analysis of...
Categories: Medical Devices

AI based prediction of embryo preimplantation

Researcher: Dr. Yonatan Savir

Over 70 million couples worldwide suffer from infertility while the number of women that undergo assisted reproduction technology (ART) cycles has doubled over the last 15 years. Although much effort is dedicated to improving ART success rates, only 30%-40% of...
Categories: Information and Computer Science|Medical Devices

AI-driven platform for diagnosis, risk prediction and management of cardiac conditions

Researcher: Dr. Joachim Behar

Machine Learning (ML) driven cardiology platform that develops a cloud-based, ML-powered ECG analysis tools. It supports the diagnosis, risk prediction and management of cardiac conditions. The platform enables clinicians and technicians to perform ECG analysis faster and with better performance...
Categories: Medical Devices

An ultra-sensitive nanopore biosensors for detection of KRAS mutations in colorectal cancer

Researcher: Prof. Amit Meller

One of the main challenges impeding genomic-based disease identification and characterization stems from the fact that related analytes, such as pathogens genes and cancer biomarkers, are present in extremely low concentrations in biomedical samples. Thus, currently, most clinical genomic identification approaches...
Categories: Medical Devices|Pharmaceuticals and Biotechnology

Aneurysm Occlusion

Researcher: Prof. Netanel Korin

Aneurysm are blood filled saccular lesions located on bends and bifurcations of arteries. Cerebral aneurysms, for example, occur in about 5% of the population where 0.2% rupture with a mortality rate of nearly 50% . The available treatment can be...
Categories: Medical Devices

Ankle-foot Orthosis with adjustable load bearing

Researcher: Prof. Dana Solav

Millions of individuals unable to bear weight on their foot or ankle due to conditions such as fractures, sprains, surgeries, and diabetic ulcers rely on crutches. However, crutches come with significant drawbacks: they are slow, energetically inefficient, functionally limiting, and...
Categories: Medical Devices

Anti-microbial peptides

Researcher: Prof. Noam Adir|Prof. Sima Yaron

New antibiotics are a necessity in today’s modern medicine due to the increasing prevalence of antibiotic resistant strains of pathogenic bacteria. There are many attempts at providing new antibiotic drugs by either modification of existing drugs or by finding new...
Categories: Food and Agriculture|Medical Devices|Pharmaceuticals and Biotechnology

Assessment of uncertainty in deep neural nets predictions

Researcher: Dr. Mordechay (Moti) Freiman

Deep neural networks (DNN) are currently used in wide range of computer vision and image processing tasks. Adopting DNN-based techniques for safety-critical clinical applications, such as MRI analysis and reconstruction, in which results inform diagnostic, prognostic, and interventional decisions in...
Categories: Information and Computer Science|Medical Devices

Atrial fibrillation prediction

Researcher: Prof. Yael Yaniv

Prediction algorithm for Atrial Fibrillation risk based on novel algorithms that provide earlier more robust detection of AF risk and events based on ECG signal analysis. The technology is based on novel methods for analysis of HRV (Heart rate variability)...
Categories: Information and Computer Science|Medical Devices

Automated MRE-based analysis of Crohn’s disease extent

Researcher: Dr. Mordechay (Moti) Freiman

To date, ileocolonoscopy is the reference standard for evaluating disease activity in Crohn's disease (CD). However, this is an invasive procedure that is, generally, poorly tolerated by the patient and which only allows for the mucosal surface to be visualized...
Categories: Medical Devices

Biocompatible adhesive microneedle for tissue repair and sealing

Researcher: Prof. Boaz Mizrahi

Adhesion of soft tissues, as well as their sealing, are of great significance in the clinical and Medical fields. Closing wounds with tissue adhesives presents challenges, as well as a significant opportunity to revolutionize bleeding control and to heal....
Categories: Medical Devices

Biocompatible tissue adhesive polymer

Researcher: Prof. Boaz Mizrahi

Tissue bioadhesives are widely used in dermatology, surgery rooms, and in the field. Despite their advantages over sutures and staples, currently available tissue glues are limited by their mechanical properties and toxicity. Here, a new approach is described for wound...
Categories: Medical Devices

Biodegradable ureteral stent

Researcher: Prof. Eyal Zussman

Ureteral stents are widely used in urology, mainly to secure drainage of urine from the kidney to the bladder. Several weeks or months after insertion, these stents need to be removed by an in-office procedure. To avoid the unpleasant in-office...
Categories: Medical Devices

Biomarker diagnostics by computational microscopy

Researcher: Prof. Yoav Shechtman

The ability to monitor low levels of biological molecules (biomarkers) in samples has great implications for diagnostics, therapeutics, and research. Currently, ELISA (enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay) and ECLIA (Electrochemiluminescence immunoassay) are the most abundant quantitative platform for biomarker detection, however, for...
Categories: Medical Devices|Physics and Electro-Optics

Biosurgery based on enzymatic collagenase

Researcher: Prof. Avi Schroeder

Overexpressed extracellular matrix (ECM) in liver fibrosis limits drug penetration into the tumor and is associated with poor prognosis. Collagen, a triple-helix protein, is the main structural component in such diseases. Collagen viscoelastic properties play a major role in constructing...
Categories: Medical Devices|Pharmaceuticals and Biotechnology

Bone regeneration using a composite bone ECM graft

Researcher: Prof. Marcelle Machluf

Bone defects resulting from trauma, infection, tumors or inherent genetic disorders pose a significant burden on healthcare systems. Bone regeneration requires the use of grafting materials such as bone autografts, which are currently considered the gold standard treatment. Nevertheless, their...
Categories: Medical Devices

Brain modulation for immune system regulation (specific to the reward system)

Researcher: Prof. Asya Rolls|Prof. Lior Gepstein

We show in mice that through activation or inhibition of the dopaminergic neurons in the Ventral Tegmental Area (VTA) in the brain we can alter the immune response. We can control the activity of distinct immune cell lineages, and in...
Categories: Medical Devices|Pharmaceuticals and Biotechnology

Cell fusion or destruction using nanoparticles and laser

Researcher: Prof. Dvir Yelin

The present technology involves the use of nanoparticles and laser light to manipulate selected cells for cancer therapy, tissue regeneration and drug production. The invention describes a method for specific cell manipulation. Gold nanoparticles are coated by a layer of...
Categories: Medical Devices|Pharmaceuticals and Biotechnology

Cell metastasis assays

Researcher: Prof. Daphne Weihs

Cell invasiveness is a major step in tumor metastasis therefore its evaluation is critical for prognosis of cancer progression and will affect treatment protocols. Currently, metastasis prognosis is based on subjective clinical judgment, patient characteristics, disease statistics, tumor shape/size, lymph-node...
Categories: Medical Devices

CMOS ISFET sensitive detector

Researcher: Prof. Yael Nemirovsky

Ion sensitive field effect transistors (ISFET), are used to detect presence and concentrations of various species of ions in fluids into which they are placed. ISFETs have long been considered good candidates for providing small, fast, sensitive, accurate, and relatively...
Categories: Information and Computer Science|Medical Devices

Coded aperture ultrasound detector

Researcher: Prof. Amir Rosenthal

Optoacoustic tomography (OAT) offers the unique capability to image optical contrast deep in the tissue. While OAT can produce very detailed images of blood vessels and lipid deposition, making it a potential solution to many clinical challenges, it requires 1000’s...
Categories: Medical Devices

Computer vision respiratory rate detection

Researcher: Prof. Ron Kimmel

Detection of breathing patterns and abnormalities utilizing a video camera. Analysis of video monitoring of chest movement during breathing provides data regarding the beating pattern and enables rapid response to changes. Advantages Detection of apnea, bradypnea, eupnea and tachypnea No...
Categories: Information and Computer Science|Medical Devices

Decision support system for automatic classification of lv strain echocardiograms

Researcher: Prof. Dan Adam

Evaluation of myocardial contractile function is essential for the diagnosis and treatment of cardiac diseases. Echocardiography is the most widely used non-invasive imaging modality in clinical practice. Echocardiographic strain imaging (developed by Prof. Dan Adam and initially implemented by GE...
Categories: Information and Computer Science|Medical Devices

Detection of x-ray and gamma-ray photons

Researcher: Dr. Ido Kaminer

Detection of high energy photons (x-rays and gamma rays) is of great importance for applications in medical radiography, security inspection, radiation exposure monitoring, and high energy physics. Scintillation, which is the ability of certain materials to absorb high-energy (KeV scale)...
Categories: Medical Devices|Physics and Electro-Optics

Determining responders to inflammatory bowel disease treatment

Researcher: Prof. Shai Shen-Orr

Current treatment of Inflammatory bowel diseases (IBDs) is an empiric process, which involves decisions based on the response to therapies by the average patient, without taking into account the basic differences between patients, their specific immune status at a given...
Categories: Medical Devices|Pharmaceuticals and Biotechnology

Dual, continuous, minimally invasive monitoring of glucose and lactate

Researcher: Dr. Omer Yehezkeli

A great effort has been made to establish efficient electron transfer between electrodes and enzymes. The protein shell of the enzyme prevents electrical communication with electrodes, therefore, redox mediators are required for activation. present new methodology to establish efficient electron...
Categories: Medical Devices|Sustainability and Energy

Early detection of myocardial injury

Researcher: Prof. Amir Landesberg

Organ failure due to cardiovascular collapse is a leading cause of mortality in all the intensive cardiac units (ICUs). Myocardial injury is the most cardinal problem in this setting, and proper management of myocardial injury requires early detection. Missing the...
Categories: Medical Devices

Electrospun-coated medical devices

Researcher: Prof. Eyal Zussman

Intubation-related morbidity is a well-known complication that usually involves the larynx and trachea. These problems are secondary to airway mucosal damage due to the presence of an endotracheal tube (ETT) which creates local pressure and pressure-like ulcer. The common clinical approach...
Categories: Medical Devices

Elephant trunk (robotic mechanism with two degrees of freedom)

Researcher: Prof. Alon Wolf

The present invention relates to the field of robotic actuated mechanisms, especially those having a high load lifting capability and light weight, such that they are capable of being stacked end-to-end to provide a hyper-redundant, high flexibility, long robotic arm....
Categories: Automation, Mobility and Aerospace|Medical Devices

Explainable AI for COVID clasification in lung ultrasound images

Researcher: Prof. Dan Adam

Evaluation of Lung function is essential for the diagnosis and treatment of COVID patients. Ultrasound imaging is widely used and enables patient testing without moving the patient to an imaging facility. Determining patient treatment options and potential outcome in a...
Categories: Medical Devices

Flow bioreactor device for monitoring cellular dynamics

Researcher: Prof. Shulamit Levenberg

Engineered 3D constructs have gained increased attention as in vitro tools for the study of cell–cell and cell–matrix interactions and are being explored for potential use as experimental models or therapeutic replacements of human tissues. Perfusion culture enhances oxygen and...
Categories: Medical Devices

Flow routing to inhibit thrombosis in replacement heart valves

Researcher: Prof. Netanel Korin

Valvular heart disease affects more than 100 million people worldwide and is associated with significant morbidity and mortality. There are two common types of surgical prosthetic heart valves: Mechanical Heart Valve (MHV) or the Biologically-inspired and derived valve (BHV). Valve...
Categories: Medical Devices

Foot orthosis

Researcher: Prof. Oleg Gendelman

Flexible and Adaptable Ankle Foot Orthosis (FAAFO) device is a patented technology designed to correct the walking style and ankle joint rotation trajectory during the gait for patients with foot lifting (dorsiflexion) and foot rotation upward (evertion) disabilities. The device...
Categories: Medical Devices

Genetic tests using ECG

Researcher: Prof. Yael Yaniv

Screening algorithm for Genetic congenital mutations that might cause sudden Cardiac arrest based on analysis of ECG signal. Effective clinical method for screening for hidden genetic heart conditions. Advantages Low Cost implementation Wide population reach Applications and Opportunities Low cost...
Categories: Medical Devices

Glaucoma diagnosis using a deep learning

Researcher: Dr. Joachim Behar

Retinal imaging is widely available and enables affordable examination of the eyes. An optical coherence tomography (OCT) image, is a type of medical imaging technique that provides high-resolution, cross-sectional images of biological tissues, primarily in the eye. Digital fundus imaging...
Categories: Medical Devices

Harnessing synthetic optogenetic circuits for cancer therapy

Researcher: Prof. Daniel Ramez

Cancer immunotherapy is associated with on-target, off-tumor cytotoxicity or immune-related adverse events. Thus, light-based techniques, optogenetics, could allow “remote control” of immune responses within the body. Harnessing synthetic biology, optogenetics, the use of light to control the activity of specific...
Categories: Medical Devices|Pharmaceuticals and Biotechnology

Heart rate variability analysis in mammalians

Researcher: Prof. Yael Yaniv|Dr. Joachim Behar

The time variation between consecutive heartbeats is commonly referred to as heart rate variability (HRV). Loss of complexity in HRV has been documented in several cardiovascular diseases and has been associated with an increase in morbidity and mortality. However, the...
Categories: Medical Devices

High resolution longitudinal immune profiling reveals the dynamics of healthy immune-aging and its relation to cardiovascular risk

Researcher: Prof. Shai Shen-Orr

Over the past decade it has become apparent that the aging immune system has a fundamental role in a variety of chronic illness, including cardiovascular disease, cancer, neurodegeneration, musculoskeletal conditions and others. This places the immune system as an “aging...
Categories: Medical Devices|Pharmaceuticals and Biotechnology

Hybrid polymer/lipid drug delivery system for treating oral cancers

Researcher: Prof. Havazelet Bianco-Peled|Prof. Avi Schroeder

Diseases of the oral cavity, including gum disorders, tooth decay and loss, and oral cancers, affect half of the human population. Specifically, incidences of oral cancers have risen by 35% over the past decade, with limited treatment modalities. Administering anti-cancer agents...
Categories: Medical Devices

Hydrogel Microparticles fabrication system

Hydrogel microparticles (HMPs) are composed of 3D crosslinked polymers on a microscopic scale. Due to their special material properties, they have become an important class of pharmaceutical formulations in the biotechnology and biomedical field. Current methods to produce HMPs such...
Categories: Chemistry and Materials|Medical Devices|Pharmaceuticals and Biotechnology

Implementation of the brutal cardiovascular insights for monitoring and treating heart failure patients

Researcher: Prof. Amir Landesberg

Heart failure is a pandemic in the western world. Dyspnea is the most cardinal symptom of heart failure. Dyspnea is associated with poor quality of life and causes frequent rehospitalization. The main problem is optimization of treatment and prevention of...
Categories: Medical Devices

In vitro model of heart failure with preserved ejection fraction (HFpEF)

Researcher: Prof. Oren Caspi

Heart failure with preserved ejection fraction (HFpEF) is a non-infectious pandemic affecting more than 1% of the general population and more than 10% of individuals over the age of 65. Currently, there are no effective treatments for HFpEF, mainly due...
Categories: Medical Devices|Pharmaceuticals and Biotechnology

Light-Generating Fusion Proteins Capable Of Self-Activation in synthetic cells

Researcher: Prof. Avi Schroeder

Optogenetics utilizes light-responsive biological components, mostly proteins, to activate cellular processes in engineered and natural cell systems. To optically control these processes, exposure to a light source is required. Therefore, the use of these proteins for therapeutic applications in vivo...
Categories: Medical Devices|Pharmaceuticals and Biotechnology

Linear wave-based engine

Researcher: Prof. Izhak Bucher

Linear motion in a cylinder using helical wave generator in elastic component. A large static radial holding force is formed in addition to the linear motion created by the elliptical movement. The motion is precise and requires low power engine...
Categories: Medical Devices|Sustainability and Energy

Methods of determining prognosis of sepsis and treating same

Researcher: Prof. Shai Shen-Orr

Sepsis is a severe life-threatening systemic inflammatory response related to infection that is responsible for more than 750,000 deaths annually in the US. It is a systemic inflammatory response syndrome (SIRS) with proven or probable infection of bacterial, fungal or...
Categories: Medical Devices|Pharmaceuticals and Biotechnology

Microfluidic device that is designed to mimic the geometry of a section of the pulmonary acinus

Researcher: Prof. Josué Sznitman

Assessing deposition levels of air-borne particulate matter in the pulmonary acinus is of utmost importance for the pharmaceutical industry where such knowledge is required for development and quality validation of inhaled aerosolized drugs. In addition, deposition levels of toxic particles...
Categories: Medical Devices|Pharmaceuticals and Biotechnology

Miniature surgical robot for knee arthroplasty

Researcher: Prof. Alon Wolf

Arthritis is an increasing global problem with 10% of men and 18% of women having symptomatic osteoarthritis by the age of sixty. Consequently, the number of hip and knee replacements has increased rapidly in most OECD countries by 35% and...
Categories: Medical Devices

Minimized Ultrasound Detectors

Researcher: Prof. Amir Rosenthal

Ultrasound technology today is bulky and involves imaging probes with typical sizes of several centimeters. We have developed a new methodology for ultrasound imaging that can achieve extreme levels of miniaturization preserving high-resolution. This platform relies on optical technology for...
Categories: Medical Devices|Physics and Electro-Optics

Molecular profiling of cancer by analysis of tissue histomorphology

Researcher: Prof. Ron Kimmel

Deep learning-based method for mapping critical receptors on cancer cells. Using digital images of biopsies taken from breast cancer patients, the new technology is expected to significantly improve personalized cancer treatments. The technology extracts molecular information from biopsy images that...
Categories: Information and Computer Science|Medical Devices

Neural inhibition for treating bowel diseases

Researcher: Prof. Asya Rolls

Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) is a group of complex inflammatory disorders involving the gastrointestinal tract. It is a chronic condition with no medical cure, which commonly requires a lifetime of care. To this day, the mechanism of the disease's pathophysiology is...
Categories: Medical Devices

Neurofeedback and induction of an immune response

Researcher: Prof. Asya Rolls

Recently, a causal link between activation of the reward system and an immune function was reported in mice. This discovery holds great potential for improving personal health management, rationalizing the use of reward-related brain activation to enhance immune function. The research...
Categories: Medical Devices

Neuronal modulation to control the immune response

Researcher: Prof. Asya Rolls

We show in mice that through activation or inhibition of the dopaminergic neurons in the Ventral Tegmental Area (VTA) in the brain we can alter the immune response. We can control the activity of distinct immune cell lineages, and in...
Categories: Medical Devices|Pharmaceuticals and Biotechnology

Non-invasive brain-computer interfaces

Researcher: Prof. Miriam Zacksenhouse

Non-invasive Brain Computer Interfaces (BCIs) measure electroencephalography (EEG) potentials from the scalp and interpret them, through signal processing and machine learning, to make decisions and operate computers or other external devices. Error-related potentials are produced by the brain when a...
Categories: Information and Computer Science|Medical Devices

Non-invasive imaging of metabolites by MRI

Researcher: Prof. Aharon Blank

Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) is the most informative of all medical imaging techniques, offering both high resolution and multiple contrast mechanisms. However, MRI is restricted to morphological analysis and can say almost nothing about the chemistry of the inspected tissue,...
Categories: Chemistry and Materials|Medical Devices

Non-physical detection of breathing pattern and body heat by thermal imaging

Researcher: Dr. Yonatan Savir

Throughout the years, the use of thermal imaging in different medical procedures has been growing. Applications includes fever detection, breast and skin cancer detection and estimating peripheral perfusion. Thanks to various technological advances and relatively low production costs, visible light...
Categories: Information and Computer Science|Medical Devices

Pacemaker signature in the ECG signal

Researcher: Prof. Yael Yaniv

Multiple Heart Rate variation analysis methods based on ECG and/or other signals are deployed in an algorithm which analyses SA node function in order to provide early warning for pacemaker issues. The technology enables early detection of Heart pacemaker issues...
Categories: Medical Devices

Polymers to trap uremic toxins in WAK (Wearable artificial kidney)

Researcher: Prof. Moris S. Eisen

Renal failure is a medical condition in which the kidneys fail to function adequately. The treatment given to patients suffering from renal failure are dialysis or kidney transplant. Different studies done in recent years, indicate that frequent and prolonged dialysis...
Categories: Chemistry and Materials|Medical Devices

Pressure ulcer vaccine

Researcher: Prof. Daphne Weihs

Pressure ulcers (PUs) are a common health issue, particularly in physically limited, chair-bound or bedridden patients. For many patients, particularly the elderly, PUs may inexplicably become chronic and remain so for the remainder of the patient's lifetime. PUs have recently...
Categories: Medical Devices|Pharmaceuticals and Biotechnology

Protein-based polymers as the active layer in electronic devices

Researcher: Prof. Nadav Amdursky

Using sustainable and affordable proteins as the basis for the formation of a new family of environmental polymers that are free-standing, soft, elastic, and most importantly, their electronic and ionic conductivity can be engineered. A special focus is given to...
Categories: Chemistry and Materials|Medical Devices|Sustainability and Energy

Proteomics and genomics applications for electrokinetic focusing of in single-molecule sensor

Researcher: Prof. Amit Meller

The present patented technology is in the field of single-molecule detection in cases where the source sample is extremely dilute to the point where measurement is prohibited. Single molecule nanopore biosensors are integrated down-stream of a fluidic device that features...
Categories: Medical Devices|Pharmaceuticals and Biotechnology

Rapid clinical antimicrobial susceptibility diagnostic system

Researcher: Prof. Ester Segal

Technology By the year 2050, antimicrobial resistance is predicted to cost the world over 100 trillion US$ cumulatively and claim 10 million lives per year. Thus, there is an urgent need to develop diagnostic methods that will help physicians to...
Categories: Chemistry and Materials|Food and Agriculture|Medical Devices|Physics and Electro-Optics

Real time mitochondrial dimension measurements

Researcher: Prof. Yael Yaniv

Mitochondrial volume is correlated with cell function and internal cell processes. Changes in mitochondrial volume were associated with advanced states of cardiac disease. Thus, measurements of mitochondrial dimension deformations are important to the understanding of cell function and its deterioration....
Categories: Medical Devices|Pharmaceuticals and Biotechnology

Robotic shoe

Researcher: Prof. Alon Wolf

A robotic biomechanical shoe, which provides real-time feedback regarding forces acting on the foot of the user, in order to modify these forces in a corrective or diagnostic manner. The shoe comprises an insole (that can function independently) equipped with...
Categories: Medical Devices

Self-Healing Multifunctional Wound Dressing

Researcher: Prof. Hossam Haick

Traditional wound closure methods, including sutures, staples, and medical adhesives, have been widely used in the medical field. However, these methods often lead to complications due to mechanical mismatches with the skin's natural properties. These complications may include infection, damage...
Categories: Chemistry and Materials|Medical Devices|Pharmaceuticals and Biotechnology

Semaphorin 3A as a diagnostic marker for urothelial cancer

Researcher: Prof. Jacob Rubinstein

Upper urinary tract carcinoma is a highly challenging disease to diagnose and follow. In contrast to bladder cancer, upper tract tumors are more difficult to diagnose and treat, due to the anatomical considerations and the special medical equipment that is...
Categories: Medical Devices|Pharmaceuticals and Biotechnology

Separation and concentration of oxygen

Researcher: Prof. Dario R. Dekel

Separation of oxygen from ambient air is currently done using cryogenic and sorption processes. Although the present technology is very common and currently most of the oxygen is being produced using these methods, cryogenic and sorption processes are high energy...
Categories: Chemistry and Materials|Medical Devices

Skin-like sensing platform

Researcher: Prof. Hossam Haick

Skin-like sensing platform for a full physical and chemical perception of the surrounding space - platform unit for detecting VOCs, temperature, pH, pressure and strain. The patches are based on sensor technology and self-healing and self repair polymeric substrate, electrodes...
Categories: Chemistry and Materials|Medical Devices

Spectrally encoded imaging of tympanic membrane vibrations

Researcher: Prof. Dvir Yelin

According to the World Health Organization, over 5% (466 million) of the global population suffer from some sort of disabling hearing loss [1]. The annual cost of unaddressed hearing problems is estimated to be above $750 billion, mainly due to...
Categories: Medical Devices|Physics and Electro-Optics

Sperm-induced cell-to-cell fusion as a male fertility diagnosis test

Researcher: Prof. Benjamin Podbilewicz

Approximately 15% of couples of reproductive age face fertility issues, with about a third attributed to male factors. Assisted Reproductive Techniques (ART), such as the conventional in vitro fertilization (IVF), and intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI), are commonly employed to aid...
Categories: Medical Devices|Pharmaceuticals and Biotechnology

Superradiance cathodoluminescence electron microscope

Researcher: Dr. Ido Kaminer|Dr. Yehonadav Bekenstein

Superfluorescence (or superradiance) refers to the emission of a collective burst of photons from densely packed emitters with long coherence times and narrow energy spectra. This phenomenon arises when emitters are coupled and correlated through the electromagnetic field. However, it...
Categories: Chemistry and Materials|Medical Devices|Pharmaceuticals and Biotechnology

System and method for brain state classification

Paralysis caused by spinal cord injury, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (LAS), brainstem stroke, cerebral palsy, and other disorders of the nervous system, has a severe impact on the lives of millions of individuals world-wide. While many assistive technologies have been developed...
Categories: Medical Devices

Systems and methods for ultrasonic imaging

Researcher: Prof. Alexander Bronstein

Medical ultrasound is a wide-spread imaging modality due to its high temporal resolution, lack of harmful radiation and cost-effectiveness, which distinguishes it from other modalities such as MRI and CT. High temporal resolution is highly desired in additional to spatial...
Categories: Information and Computer Science|Medical Devices

Targeted delivery of inhalation medicine using magnetic particles

Researcher: Prof. Josué Sznitman

The lungs can be described as a dense tree, where the airways resemble branches, ending with raspberry-like acinar sacs. The acinar sacs are made of alveoli, the basic respiratory units of the lungs. The alveolar lumen is composed of a...
Categories: Medical Devices|Pharmaceuticals and Biotechnology

Targeting UBB+1 for treating Alzheimer’s disease

Researcher: Prof. Michael Glickman

As human life-span increases, prevalence of Alzheimer’s disease is soaring, reaching plague-like numbers worldwide. Alzheimer’s disease is a debilitating disease characterized by toxic protein build up in the brain that inevitably leads to dementia and loss of independence of the...
Categories: Medical Devices

The development of water in oleogel formulation as margarin replacement for bakery products

Researcher: Prof. Maya Davidovich-Pinhas

Fats are an important ingredient in many food products, contributing to food sensory and textural properties, providing energy and needed for metabolic pathways. The World Health Organization (WHO), and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) recommend...
Categories: Medical Devices

Topical kits

Researcher: Prof. Boaz Mizrahi

Fungal infections are a significant and growing public health problem. Currently, there are two main pharmacological anti-fungal treatments approved by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA): (1) Amphotericin B. This drug is considered the "gold standard" of antifungal therapy....
Categories: Medical Devices

Ultrafast microscopy and spectroscopy

Researcher: Prof. Oren Cohen

Ptychography is a label free, high-contrast imaging technique for live cells using quantitative phase information. It is slow, requires precise preparation and complex systems and has limited resolution. These disadvantages can be overcome using ultrafast (single-shot) Ptychography which employs a...
Categories: Medical Devices|Physics and Electro-Optics

Ultrasensitive RNA and mRNA quantification usingnanopores as biosensors

Researcher: Prof. Amit Meller

The ability to sense and digitally count individual RNA and mRNA biomarkers holds a great potential for early diagnosis of a wide range of diseases from cancer to infectious diseases, including the recent SARS-CoV-2. The ‘gold-standard’ method for RNA molecules...
Categories: Medical Devices|Pharmaceuticals and Biotechnology

Usage of cannabinoids for skin repair and regeneration

Researcher: Prof. David Meiri|Dr. Yaron Fuchs

Manipulating the activity of the endocannabinoid system (ECS) offers therapeutic potential for a multitude of pathological conditions affecting humans. ECS receptors such as cannabinoid receptor 1 (CB1) and cannabinoid receptor 2 (CB2) have been found to be expressed in the...
Categories: Medical Devices|Pharmaceuticals and Biotechnology

Utilization of molecular biology to the assembly of molecular scale electronics

Researcher: Prof. Yoram Reiter|Prof. Uri Sivan

Electro-static interactions underlie the basis of various biological processes involving the recognition and binding of macromolecules such as DNA, RNA, proteins and carbohydrates to each other. For example, alien macromolecules are identified through molecular recognition between an antibody molecule and...
Categories: Medical Devices|Physics and Electro-Optics

Wearable multimodality haptic feedback device

Researcher: Prof. Alon Wolf |Prof. Lihi Zelnik-Manor

Virtual and Augmented Reality (VR and AR) are rapidly evolving fields, with applications in multiple domains, from gaming to medicine. While the visual and auditory feedback provided have progressed greatly, accompanying devices for haptic feedback are still limited in their...
Categories: Automation, Mobility and Aerospace|Information and Computer Science|Medical Devices

Wearable stretchable microneedles-based platform

Researcher: Prof. Hossam Haick

Microneedles devices to monitor materials in the interstitial fluid or inject materials to it are widely used for a range of medical conditions. Those are hollow microneedles as they need to pass fluids from and to the body. As such...
Categories: Chemistry and Materials|Medical Devices

X-ray free imaging for adolescent scoliosis diagnosis

Researcher: Prof. Alon Wolf |Prof. Ron Kimmel

Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis (AIS) is a prevalent disease that currently requires radiographic imaging for accurate diagnosis and treatment planning. Much work has been done to identify and classify scoliosis using surface and topographic measurements, but current techniques rely on local...
Categories: Medical Devices

X-ray radiation source system

Researcher: Dr. Ido Kaminer

High quality energy tunable X-ray sources are important for many applications in various fields of research such as medical diagnostics, material treatment and analysis, food security and many others. Current state-of the-art sources as synchrotron radiation and free-electron laser (FEL)...
Categories: Medical Devices|Physics and Electro-Optics

Prof. Dana Solav

Mechanical Engineering; Chemical Engineering

Research Interests: Biomechanics of Human Movement and Function Medical Devices for Orthopedic Rehabilitation Mechanical Properties and Modeling of Tissues Data-Driven and Patient-Specific...

Prof. Dan Adam

Biomedical Engineering

Research Interests: Development of ultrasound image analysis methods for functional cardiac imaging. Development of learning and neural network systems for the classification...

Prof. Nadav Amdursky


Research Interests: Biomaterials. Conductive biopolymers. Bioelectronics. Charge transfer. Proton/anion exchange membranes. Ultrafast processes. Biopolymers for energy applications. Biopolymers for functional biomedical devices....

Prof. Haim Azhari

Biomedical Engineering

Research Interests: Research and development of algorithms and methods for medical imaging. Research and development of pulse sequence algorithms for rapid magnetic...

Dr. Joachim Behar

Biomedical Engineering

Research Interests: Machine learning, deep learning in medicine. Continuous physiological time series analysis. Digital biomarkers. Remote monitoring. Cardiology, sleep medicine and ophthalmology.

Prof. Ehud Behar


Research Interests: Observational Astrophysics: observations of super-massive black holes, active stars, stellar winds, and supernova remnants. Experimental Astrophysics: gamma ray detectors for...

Prof. Alexander Bronstein

Computer Science

Research Interests: Computer vision. 3D Vision and shape analysis. Image and signal processing. Computational imaging. Machine learning. Large-scale data analysis.

Prof. Izhak Bucher

Mechanical Engineering

Research Interests: Vibration, dynamics of rotating machinery. Experimental identification and modeling of vibrating and rotating machines. Non-contacting measurements, signal processing. Shape optimization...

Prof. Moris S. Eisen


Research Interests: Perfluoro polymers. Organometallic chemistry. Nanofiltration membranes. Polymers to trap uremic toxins towards an artificial kidney.

Dr. Mordechay (Moti) Freiman

Biomedical Engineering

Research Interests: Magnetic resonance imaging. Medical image analysis and processing. Deep-learning. Computed tomography. Crohn’s disease. Fetal imaging. Cardiac imaging.

Prof. Amir Gat

Mechanical Engineering

Research Interests: Theoretical research of low-Reynolds and free-surface flows. Interaction of fluid flows with deformation and motion of solid structures. Analysis and...

Prof. Oleg Gendelman

Mechanical Engineering

Research Interests: Nonlinear dynamics. Nonlinear oscillations in discrete and continuous systems. Nonlinear normal modes. Energy transfer. Vibration protection and mitigation. Dynamics and...

Prof. Lior Gepstein


Research Interests: Basic and clinical cardiac electrophysiology. Stem cell biology. Inherited cardiac disorders. Establishment of novel gene and cell-based strategies for the...

Dr. Naama Geva Zatorsky


Research Interests: Molecular mechanisms of gut microbiota-host interactions. Spatial colonization and niche preferences of gut symbionts. The role of bacteriophage in the...

Prof. Hossam Haick

Chemical Engineering

Research Interests: Nano-array devices for screening. Diagnosis and monitoring of disease. Nanomaterial-based chemical (flexible) sensors. Electronic skin. Breath analysis. Volatile biomarkers. Cell-to-cell...

Dr. Ido Kaminer

Electrical and Computer Engineering

Research Interests: Radiation sources and X-ray. UV sources. Ultrafast detectors and scintillators. Light–matter interactions. Electron Microscopy. Quantum electrodynamics. Photonics. Cherenkov effect.

Prof. Ron Kimmel

Computer Science

Research Interests: Computer vision. Graphics. Geometric machine learning and big data. Computational medicine and biometry. Applied metric and differential geometries.

Prof. Netanel Korin

Biomedical Engineering

Research Interests: Nano-medicine and targeted drug delivery. Mechano-biology and flow in the vascular system. Cardiovascular diseases (Thrombosis, Atherosclerosis). Mechanics of blood cells.

Prof. Amir Landesberg

Biomedical Engineering

Research Interests: Control and modeling in biomedical systems. Electro-mechanical coupling. (Excitation-Contraction Coupling). Cardiac mechanics. Heart failure. Cardiac assist devices. Dynamics of the...

Prof. Galia Maayan


Research Interests: Synthesis and characterization of chiral nanoparticles. Controlled assembly of nanoparticles by biomimetic oligomers. Biomimetic oligomerss/metal NPs hybrid assemblies for biological...

Prof. Ron Meir

Electrical and Computer Engineering

Research Interests: Dynamics and computation in biological networks. Reinforcement learning in natural and artificial systems. Neural encoding and decoding and multisensory integration....

Prof. Amit Meller

Biomedical Engineering

Research Interests: Nanopore sensors for single molecule sensing of genetic and epi-genetic markers in cancer and infectious diseases. Single molecule protein sensing...

Prof. Boaz Mizrahi

Biotechnology and Food Engineering

Research Interests: Biologically inspired materials for reparative medicine, for improved bioavailability of drugs and food additives and for separation processes. Relationships between...

Prof. Amir Rosenthal

Electrical and Computer Engineering

Research Interests: Optoacoustic (photoacoustic) imaging systems. Ultra-sensitive ultrasound detection. Interferometric systems. Minimally invasive imaging procedures.

Prof. Jacob Rubinstein


Research Interests: Developing mathematical models and techniques in a variety of applications, including hydrodynamics, superconductivity, optics, physiology and medicine.

Prof. Yoav Shechtman

Biomedical Engineering

Research Interests: Optical super-resolution microscopy – experimental methods and algorithms. Multicolor and three-dimensional nano-tracking. Optical design and analysis through machine learning. Fluorescence...

Prof. Uri Sivan


Research Interests: Interface between molecular biology and nanotechnology. Electrostatic interactions and Coulomb correlations in solution. The structure of water near surfaces and...

Prof. Josué Sznitman

Biomedical Engineering

Research Interests: Biofluid mechanics; physiological flows; Pulmonary fluid dynamics. Low Reynolds number flows; microfluidics. Experimental flow visualization; particle image velocimetry (PIV); particle...

Prof. Daphne Weihs

Biomedical Engineering

Research Interests: Cancer progression and predictive prognosis of cancer metastasis formation, through mechanobiology, structure and mechanics of living cells. Wound healing and...

Prof. Alon Wolf

Mechanical Engineering

Research Interests: Fundamental kinematics. Kinematic synthesis and design of mechanisms. Medical robotics. Biomechanics. Hyper redundant (snake) robots.

Prof. Yael Yaniv

Biomedical Engineering

Research Interests: FRET measurement of phosphorylation processes. Atrial energy metabolism. Electrophysiology of pacemaker cells. Numerical models of intracellular mechanisms of pacemaker cells....

Dr. Omer Yehezkeli

Biotechnology and Food Engineering

Research Interests: Bioelectrochemistry. Alternative Energy. Enzymes based photoelectrochemical and electrochemical devices. Photocatalysis and biocatalysts. Sensing application.

Prof. Dvir Yelin

Biomedical Engineering

Research Interests: Optical imaging of the human body. Spectrally encoded sensors. Miniature medical endoscopy. Advanced optical microscopy. Light-tissue interaction. Nanoparticles and high...

Prof. Gilad Yossifon

Mechanical Engineering

Research Interests: Electrohydrodynamics and Electrokinetics. Ion transport through permselective media. Non-linear electrokinetics in micro- and nano-fluidics. Induced-charge-electro-kinetics. Electrokinetics based Lab-on-a-chip devices. Micro-heat...

Prof. Yehoshua Zeevi

Electrical and Computer Engineering

Research Interests: Biological and computational vision. Visual communication and image representation. Intelligent image acquisition and processing technology. Biological and artificial neural networks....

Prof. Lihi Zelnik-Manor

Electrical and Computer Engineering

Research Interests: Computer Vision: Reconstruction of objects and their physical properties, Interaction between objects. AI: Automation of machine learning. Haptics: Haptic feedback...